Chapter thirteen: little sisters are savages

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The next week followed the same routine. Either training in the morning and then going to school or training when I got home from school.

I was drained.

Thankfully, today was Saturday. Which meant staying in bed for as long as possible and trying to palm off the giant pile of homework gathering on my desk to one of the other avengers.

Steve informed everyone that there was a team meeting in the conference room at 9, so my lie in was ruined.

I ended up getting up, showered and dressed at 8 to avoid ticking him off. Today was supposed to be a chill day and having a pissed off super soldier on my back all day was pretty much the opposite of chill.

I sat in Wanda's chair, which was in front of Vision empty chair and opposite Steve as the secretary of state stood before us. Secretary Ross had called the meeting to try and rain the team in.

Wanda and Vision had been working together recently as they found an attraction between them. They bonded over the mind stone, an infinity stone that is currently lodged in Vision's forehead, and the object that gave Wanda and me our powers. The mind stone was previously used in Loki's sceptre, or as I like to call it, the downfall of Sokovia, the metal rod that ended it all.

Tony watched from the back alongside Sam, Pietro, Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Natasha, Bucky, Thor and Loki. Clint was currently at home with his family on dad duty, but Natasha assured Secretary Ross that he'd get a vey informative text message later on.

Secretary Ross stood in front of us, a presentation on pause on the interactive board Tony had made.

'Do any of you have any idea why I am here?' The secretary asked. He had an angry, sad expression on his stone cold face, folding his arms behind his back, clutching the control for the board.

There was silence throughout the room until Steve realised nobody was going to answer him. 'No, Sir.' The soldier responded.

He nodded to Steve before continuing. 'This team, is not a simple team. You are all very powerful. Some more than others.' He gave me a dirty look, like he was disgusted with me.

I furrowed his brows and looked him up and down and he cleared his throat, as though he was uncomfortable or scared that he had got caught.

'The governments of the world want to introduce a set of..rules if you will. To prevent unnecessary deaths or the further destruction of cities.'

Natasha and Steve gave each other a worried glance. 'And what what these, rules, mean for the Avengers?' Steve asked.

'You would all still operate as a team. Just only when we need you. For the fights we stand no chance against. You'd all be retired until we actually needed you.'

'What's the point in that?' Natasha asked. 'You and your government friends get to pick us up and put us away whenever you feel like it? No way. Who are we helping then? We're all working here, on various different missions. One step at a time we are saving lives, Ross.'

'Miss Romanoff you and your team are a collection of ticking time bombs. It's ridiculous. You've got an ex-assassin with a metal arm in your basement, a green anger filled monster in your lab, two gods - one of which tried to destroy New York and now Stark, you've sent a powerful, chaotic witch to a school full of children. This team is dangerous and if we don't reign you in, who knows what the hell could happen.'

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