The end.

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Bucky looked at Steve with a smirk. 'I didn't go to Wakanda for nothing.' Turning on his feet he ran at Sergio and with one punch he was knocked out.

Bucky then fought the larger agent while Steve untied Sam and woke up Rhodey and Vision. 'Now Wanda!' Steve shouted.

Wanda broke the door down with her powers and her and Laura broke into the room. Wanda heeled Vision and Rhodey.

With one last punch the large agent fell to the ground and Bucky walked back to his friends. 'They thought they had me.' He smiled happily at Steve, grateful for Shuri and the Wakandans.

'Please can we go and get my babies.' Laura said shaken up by this whole experience. Wanda put an arm around her and the team nodded.

Tony? Where are you?

We're on the roof. DONT COME UP HERE! GO OUTSIDE!

'They're in the room. Tony wants us to go outside. We can't go up.' Wanda explained and they took of running.

Surrounding the outside of the building, the avengers gathered to see a horrific scene.

Hydra operatives held the kids with guns to their heads. Baby Nathaniel was being suspended over the edge of the building with a black, ticking device strapped to him.

'Nooo!' Laura screamed out painfully.

Tony put a hand up in his suit to signal that he was handling it.

Sam, Rhodey, And Vision flew up ready to catch the baby but kept a distance so the agents didn't get ticked off and do something drastic.



A sharp sting flooded across one of my cheeks and a ring caught my lip.

'Ooh, should you have done that Miss Romanoff?' Peter's soft voice asked worriedly.

'Shush kid.'

I opened my eyes to see Natasha and Peter crowded over me. I knew instantly that Nat had slapped me to wake me up.

'C'mon kid, we've got friends and minors to save.' Natasha grabbed my forearm and ripped me up from my lying position on the bed.

Running through the forest we saw the situation the team was faced with. 'Nat, what do we do?' I asked frantically.

The Russian was frozen. She had nightmares of losing this family and she couldn't bare it. Racing forward, Natasha ran around the back of the factory and through a small door.

Me and Peter followed behind her. She lead us into the middle floor and to the window, so we were level with baby Nathaniel.

She took a tool out of her pocket and began taking the window pain out. Peter used his webs to pull it with it smashing and to put it aside.

'Alright, Kat.' Natasha put a hand on my shoulder. 'Use your powers to grab the baby and Pete, I want you to use your webs to pull the guy holding him into here so I can kick his ass quietly.


Sending a soft blast of energy at Nathaniel, I incased him in a ball of soft green wisps and pulled him into the building. I held him in my arms and soothed him to stop his crying.

Peter dived into action, shooting she sat the guy that was shocking Nathaniel and pulled him into building through the hole where the window used to be.

Natasha began fitting the man until he gave up.
As he put his hands up and sighed in defeat Natasha took Nathaniel.

'Disable was these now!' She demanded and the guy shook his head.

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