Chapter five: Robots

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The sound of my heels echoed as I walked. I wasn't watching where I was going as I looked down at my wrists as I adjusted the sleeves on my arms while walking through the hanger.

I stopped when I saw the door of the Quinjet in front of my out of my peripheral vision. When I looked up, all eyes were on me.

'What?' I asked confused.

Natasha smirked at me with an I pressed look on her face while Steve, Thor and Tony were speechless.

Clint nudged his elbow into my side and raised his eyebrows. 'Ooh new girl's hot!' He high-fived Natasha before taking sitting in the pilot seat.

I shook my head as I held back a slight blush. Natasha told me to put on a seat belt when we took of as it would probably be a bumpy start when Clint's driving. That statement netted her a Hershey's kiss to the head but she didn't care.

The Captain sat beside me and cleared his throat awkwardly. 'I uh, we haven't officially met. I'm Steve Rogers.'

'Katerina Maximoff. I should probably apologise for making you sled down that hill.' I cringed remembering how mean I was to him.

'You did get me on trouble with Stark for that.' He nodded with a smile tugging at his lips. 'But I think I speak for all of us when I say I understand why you did what you did. We all have those people we'd do anything to protect.'

I nodded and he asked me. 'So, how old are your siblings?'

'Almost 17. But they'll always be babies to me. I'd die for them.' I subconsciously started playing with the ring on my finger as I thought about them.

'And you?'

'Almost 19.'

After me and Steve learned more about each other and felt a little more...relaxed at the idea of working beside one another, the jet ride back to Sokovia was pretty much a comfortable silence.

Now that I was considerably closer to the twins, I tried reaching out to Wanda. Using my telekinesis I asked her 'Where are you?'

She replied 'We're both in the barn down by the town hall. We're with a robot that calls himself Ultron. Stay away from here, he's dangerous.'

'Did you manage to talk to her?' Steve asked as he saw my face change from content to worried.

'She says they're with a robot called Ultron. They're in the barn near the town hall. It's five miles west of here.' I told him and he alerted Clint on where to drive.

We stopped in the town square and I took of running to the barn, the team following behind me. Steve ran to the doors and tried to open them but they were locked, he turned to us and shook his head.

'There's a hole in the roof from the attack that never got fixed.' I told Natasha and she began planing a way to climb up.

She turned to talk to me but I had other ideas. I pushed all my power to my hands and green energy shot out, lifting me off the ground.

I tried to land as softly as I could on the barn but it still shook a little. Luckily it didn't distract them. I looked in and saw a silver, metal robot with red eyes stood in front of Wanda, Pietro and another women that I couldn't make out.

Between them was a glass box, a cradle, with another robot inside. The women turned around and I saw it was the doctor from Stark Towers.

I landed back on the ground beside Thor and told everyone what I saw. Thor asked 'Was it Dr Cho? Helen I think her name was.'

'Yes that's her.' I nodded. 'They have another robot hooked up to a computer.'

'Ultron is procreacting.' Stark out a hand on his forehead and sighed. He called his suit to him using a little device on his hand and stepped into it. 'Team, lets kick some robot ass.'

Iron man blew the door open and he flew in. He tackled ultron and began fighting the robot. Natasha got Helen back to the Quinjet and Thor left.

'Where's he going?' Steve asked confused before running after him.

Ultron threw Stark out of the other side of the barn and lunged at the cradle. I used my magic to push the cradle away before sending Ultron crashing into the computer, smashing all of his equipment and stopping the body from being uploaded or whatever they were doing.

Ultron let out a 'No!!' And jumped at me. Before he got touch me he was surrounded by scarlet red magic and was being pulled back by Wanda.

Tony flew the cradle back to the Quinjet as me and Wanda held ultron back. 'If you smash him up, he'll only go into something else, let's go!'

Wanda grabbed Pietro and we flew back to the Quinjet, where we met Thor, Steve, Natasha and Clint. Tony continued to fight Ultron.

'What's our play?' Natasha asked.

Steve stepped forward. 'Thor is going to get Banner and they're going to figure out what's in that cradle. Kat, can you hold Ultron for Stark to figure out how to take him apart?'

'Kat?' Pietro mumbled, repeating the nickname confused.

'Yeah, sure.'

'What about his army of robots?' Wanda asked.

'Army of robots?' Clint asked excitedly.

'Yeah. Those.' Wanda pointed at the barn and we all turned to look. Tony was trying to fight off Ultron and his weird metal army.

Without even thinking, I lifted myself up of the ground and flew to him. I used my powers to make it ran and half of the robots caught on fire and....died I guess.

We continued fighting of each robot, trying to get rid of the pesky things. 'Uh...what's happening?' I asked as I felt the ground start to shake.

'I don't know.' Steve said as he nearly fell. He grabbed onto my wrist and held on to me as the ground violently shook.

'The city is rising!' Pietro shouted. 'Get everybody out of the city!'

We began running around the city, trying to stop everybody out. I ran into an apartment building, similar to ours a few years ago, and began forcing everybody to leave with mind compulsion.

I heard screaming and saw that a family having on the room. They had set up a barbecue in the nice weather and due to the city shaking it had toppled over and surrounded them in a fiery circle.

I flew up to them and focused all my energy on making the storm clouds appear. I made it rain on the building, putting out the fire.

'Hold hands.' I told them and the did as I asked. Wanda I could use a little help.

Moments later Wanda was at my side. She grabbed onto the when on the hand held chain and helped me bring the family down onto the ground. We told them to leave and they set of running with the crowd.

The city was now in the air and there were still citizens trapped. The robots had somehow doubled and were running around, viciously destroying everything.

I saw Steve trapped on the bridge. He was surrounded by Ultron robots, attacking him from all angles.

I ran over and began using my magic to tear them from his body and to tear the robots apart.

Steve thanked me as a car fell passed him. He grabbed onto the number plate to pull it back and stop it from going over the edge but the number plate snapped and broke away from the body of the car. The car slipped over the edge and I leapt forward.

Green wisps of energy surrounded the car and I pulled my arms back. The car came back onto the land and the people ran out.

Me and Steve turned to walk away to help others when another car flew passed us and went over the edge.

I went to dive forward when a bolt of lightening appears and within moments, Thor had placed the car back on solid ground.

'Nice of you to join us.' I sarcastically retorted.

'I had someone to speak to. I also brought another teammate. The vision. He's the red dude flirting with your sister.' Thor smirked.

I turned around and saw a weird, red robot making my sister laugh. 'Well...each to their own I suppose.'

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