Chapter eight: Wait, Mortal, wait!

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It's been a month since Loki joined the avengers and three weeks since the entire team had up and moved from the tower to the new facility in upstate New York.

Me, Wanda, Pietro, Sam Wilson and Loki were the newest Avengers. Our rooms were all on the same floor. I was between Loki and an empty room, while Wanda and Pietro were next to each and Sam was at the end of the hall.

I had just woke up in my nice, new comfy bed when Natasha rushed into my bedroom and ripped the covers from my cold body.

'Get up, get dressed. We leave in five, emergency mission.' She threw a banana and a bottle of cold coffee at me before racing out of the room.

I opened one eye as saw my alarm clock. 3:42 am. I groaned and used all of my energy to stand up and drag myself to my closet. I was about to pick out my clothes when Natasha raced back to my room and grabbed me by the upper arm. 'No time to get dressed, we gotta go now.'

I stumbled over my tired feet as Natasha continued to pull me through the facility, as we went passed the living room I grabbed a grey jacket from the chair and carried it with me. She basically threw me into the quintet, leaving me to fall into Steve. He put his hands on my shoulders to steady me while giving me a look of concern.

He noticed I was carrying something and sighed in relief. 'I thought I lost this.' He gently took the hoodie out of my arms and helped me put it on.

I sat next to Thor and rested my head on his muscular chest as he wrapped an arm around me. As I was about to drop of, a hard object hit me in the side and seconds later, as I opened my eyes I felt another object hit me in the shin.

'What the hell, Nat!' I asked angrily as I bent down to grab my shoes that she had thrown at me, with force might I add.

'Wake up, we can't have a tired avenger now.' She smirked as she watched me put on the sneakers. When I was done she held up another banana, a cold bottle of coffee and an earpiece and gestured for me to catch.

The ride to...wherever we were going, was quiet as Steve flew the jet, Natasha tapped away at her computer, Thor told me stories of Asgard and Wanda and Loki talked about magic.

I managed to stay awake long enough for the brief. Natasha finally put away her laptop and began to explain why we were up so early.

'Sergio Vasiliev.' She threw us each a folder and and included was a picture. 'A hydra operative famous for working with Strucker. He's holding kids hostage in Sofia, Bulgaria. He's got Steve's friend, Bucky, operating as the Winter Soldier again and together they are kidnapping children and training them. Now for the run down. Steve is here because of Bucky. Katerina and Wanda - you guys are here because you have history with this guy. Thor, you're muscle power incase of emergencies and Loki...well your here because you've been on three missions so far and Fury needs to keep you busy. We're twenty minutes away, prepare for landing. Katerina, you and Loki are being dropped off first.'

'If she can stay awake long enough.' Loki teases as I slumped against his shoulder. He pushed me off and after I glared at him I leaned against Thor again.

By the time we arrived in Bulgaria it was 5:30 and I was much more awake now. 'Kat, Loki, now!'

The door opened and that was our queue. 'Where's our parachutes?' Loki asked. I rolled my eyes and took his, unusually cold hand, in mine before jumping out of the jet. Using my powers to fly us to the ground, landing us in the snow, ten miles away from a large factory.

'What the hell was that?!' Loki shouted angrily. 'You could've killed me, mortal!'

I rolled my eyes and looked at the factory stood before us. There was smoke coming from the chimney and the ground floor lights were on.

'Let's go.' I turned to look at Loki and he wasn't listening to me, he was playing with a lose thread on his coat. I shook my head and began walking up to the building, leaving him behind.

'Wait! Wait mortal, wait!' Loki whisper shouted after me. I rolled my eyes and continued up to the factory.

As I hid behind the power box the front door opened and a man walked out. I silently cursed myself as he just missed me.

I started to hear foot steps in the snow coming towards me. I was about to duck and run into the bushes when I felt a hand go around my mouth and wrist. I turned to start fighting but was only met with a calm Loki.

The guy walked around the corner and seemed to look right at us. He continued to walk passed us as if we weren't even there. He got into the truck a few feet behind us and drove away.

I turned to face Loki and asked "What the hell was that? Why didn't he see us?'

'I made us invisible. This way we'll be able to get in and get out safely. Now, let's get this done.' Loki stormed up into the factory and I followed close behind him.

Natasha told us in our ear pieces that there were significant heat signatures coming from the basement and we had to check it out.

We entered the basement and were met with was a room full of holding cells. We began snooping through all of the cells, most were empty but about eight of them contained kids, no older than thirteen of fourteen.

At the end of the row of cells was a grey, metal door. We got close enough to hear what they were saying when it got louder. A security guard opened the door and walked out, giving us chance to slip through the door and into the room.

Immediately my ears were filled with the tortured screams of the kids as they were being trained by the infamous, winter soldier.

I reluctantly turned to my left only to look away again. The soldier was not holding back. I looked to see Loki going through the files on the computer.

He was paused on a picture of me. It was from a year ago in Strucker's hydra base when he first began experimenting on me. I was strapped to the chair with needles piercing different parts of my skin. I was covered in cuts and bruises from all the training and face was showing pure pain. I was crying in the picture and Wanda and Pietro were screaming in the background.

Loki had a look of anger on his face. His jaw and fists were clenched and his chest was heaving as he breathed out heavy breaths.

'Loki...' I let out a shaky breathe, scared that he was going to lash out at me. Instead I saw a flash of green light before the aura changed.

His spell had come down. He tried to put it back up but his emotions were too strong. He was in despair and magic wasn't working.

As I tried to calm Loki, I forgot where I was and who was looking. I heard Loki scream my name when it happened. A sharp pain ruptured through my back and I hit the ground.

Loki began fighting the Winter Soldier, using his knife skills that had previously been practised on Thor.

Sergio and his security surrounded me and began taunting me. I tried using my chaos magic to fight them of but I was too weak.

Natasha was screaming at me in my ear pierce to respond but I couldn't. I was bleeding out on the ground.

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