Chapter twenty-four: you're a pest Miss maximoff

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Katerina day beside Bucky as Clint, Sam and Rhodey stood guard. 'I should be down there helping.' Kat complained.

Bucky shrugged. 'No, you shouldn't. You should be hiding in the basement like me and Natasha showed you.'

'Isn't it better that i have you're protection up here than being all alone and vulnerable down there.' Kat gave him sad, puppy dog eyes.

Bucky bumped her shoulder with his and shook his head. 'You're a pest Miss Maximoff.'

Kat chortled and nodded. 'I know.' They stopped talking in time to hear Caliban's horrid  voice.

'Game on, Odinson.'

Chills ran down Kat's spine as those words left his mouth. She looked at Bucky who was already looking her, eyes fill of concern.

They stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. Knowing that the Callistons couldn't see them due to the security railing, they watched as Caliban released his army and instructed them to fight.

The avengers began fighting and killing the alien army but as one died, another took its place.

Tony and Steve took on Norvina and Rigel while Thor and Loki held of Caliban, who himself holds great power.

'They're struggling against the army.' Sam announced, adjusting his suit. 'I'm gonna fly down and help. Buck, make sure she stays put.'

Kat rolled her eyes at Sam before throwing an energy ball at him. He dodged it with a smile before flying off.

'Ahhh!!' Wanda cried out. Hearing her sister in so much pain, Katerina jumped to her feet and ran to the edge of the roof.

She looked down to see Norvina and Rigel surrounding Wanda. 'Don't even think about it!' Clint warned her.

Bucky and Clint stood cautiously beside Kat as Rhodey flew down in his War Machine suit to help the Scarlet Witch.

Norvina took one look at Rhodey before using her staff to send a power ball at him, shattering his suit and making Rhodey land on his ass on the ground, the alien army diving onto him.

Tony saw his friend being tackled and sent a suit to him. Within minutes, Rhodey was in a new suit fighting the aliens.

Natasha struggled against the aliens and Clint worried about his best friend. He warned Kat to stay out before jumping to the ground to save Nat.

Finally Katerina was left alone as Bucky speed down to help Steve, who was struggling against so many powerful space creatures.

Wanda cried out again. This time, when Kat looked down, she saw her sister with a staff in her abdomen.

Without thinking about anything else, Kat used her powers to lift herself from the roof and land on the ground. She used her magic to throw Norvina into the ship that and brought her here and slammed Rigel into the facility's right wing.

She scooped her sister up and flew her to the roof. She set her down against the chimney and used her powers to heal her. 'Stay here, okay?'

Wanda nodded, fear present in her eyes. 'I will. Be careful.'

Katerina nodded and flew back down, landing in between Norvina and Rigel. 'Give is the Gem, mortal.' Norvina spat.

'When are you gonna take the hint?' Katerina retorted. She had been agitated to the max and the fact that these asswipes had tried to hurt her sister and had killed her brother had made her even more furious. 'You're gonna did for what you did to my brother.'

'Technically it wasn't us-'

'Shut it, Rigel.' Norvina silenced him before turning to face Katerina. 'And you will die from not handing over the Gem.'

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