Chapter twenty: The gem is within you

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As I sat beside Loki on the grass in the palace gardens, I couldn't help but worry about everyone back home. It wasn't fair that I had been removed from helping and hidden away on Asgard.

I should be helping. After all, I suppose I caused this....somehow. I'm still baffled as to why Norvina believed I had the Gem.

'You're worried.' Loki said. I looked next to me to see his eyes already trained on me. 'I can feel you, you're worry. It's radiating from you.'

'I'm not worried for myself im-'

'Worried about your family and friends back home. I know.' He nodded before shrugging. 'I understand you want to go back and help them, but you'd be putting yourself in grave danger.'

'But by sitting here doing nothing, I'm putting your people in danger.'

'My people will be fine, my father has a peace treaty in place with Callisto, Caliban would be out of his mind to wage war here.'

'Loki...' I looked over at him and he looked down at me with a soft look on his face. 'What I I do have this gem? I don't know what it is our how it looks or feels, and Norvina seemed insistent.'

Loki thought of a moment before nodding. 'Come.' He nodded towards me before walking down the path.

I followed after him and he lead me down the rainbow bridge. 'Heimdall?' He asked. Suddenly the man from earlier appeared around the corner and greeted the youngest prince and myself.

'Your highness, Miss Katerina. What can I do for you?' The all-seeing man asked.

'Norvina of Callisto believes Katerina to be in possession of the-'

'Callisto Gem.' Heimdall finished for him. 'Many apologies for interrupting Prince Loki but Katerina is in fact in possession of the Gem.'

'How? Where is it?' I asked concerned.

'It is a part of you, Miss Katerina. The ring you wear on your finger is a symbol of the Gem. When you arrived here I could sense it and so I looked into your soul using the dark magic, i do hope you'll forgive me for being so intrusive but I fear for your safety. You need to return to Midguard promptly and consult with a family members to find out the truth as I've seen all I can.'

I gulped as I thought about what Heimdall had just said. The Gem is a part of me. I looked down at the ring on my finger, the ring that my mother gave to each of her children. Rings that coincidently match our powers now.

'Heimdall, take us back.' Loki commanded, wrapping an arm around my waste and before I could say anything, a bright light consumes us.

We landed on the avengers facility yard. Within moments; Thor, Wanda, Tony, Natasha and Steve were running to us.

'What are you doing back so soon? What happened? Are you hurt? What's wrong?' Wanda hounded me with loads of questions as she hugged me.

'I'm fine, don't worry.' I assured her.

Thor stepped forward. 'Brother, what is the meaning of this early arrival?'

'We spoke with Heimdall.' Loki explained to Thor and the group what Heimdall has told us and they all seemed confused.

'The Gem is a part of you?' Wanda asked with a confused look on her face. 'How is that possible?'

'I'm not sure. Apparently it has something to do with the ring that Mum gave me, remember the matching ones we all wore?' I asked and Wanda lifted her hand, gesturing to hers that evidently, she still wore.

'Pietro was buried with his.' Wanda said sadly.

'Yeah...' I nodded remembering, literally yesterday at the funeral. 'Well, Heimdall said I should consult with some family members regarding this but I don't think we have any left.'

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