Chapter four: Window and Peter

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Thor knocked on Kat's door with his heavy hand and the door pushed open. His eyebrows furrowed and he walked in.

The bed was made, folded clothes and a toiletry bag was left on the bed. 'Not even a note.' Thor shook his head.

He walked back to the common room with fallen shoulders. He was disappointed Kat decided to leave without saying goodbye, after he had been a good friend to her.

He opened the door and saw Katerina perched on the edge of the couch. She was looking at something Sam Wilson was showing her on his iPad.

He leaped over Tony (who was fixing a wire on the ground) and wrapped his arms around the petite Sokovia girl.

She awkwardly patted his bicep as he engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. Sam gave her a weird look and shut his iPad off, gesturing to Thor, as if he was the weirdest guy alive, which I'm starting to believe he is.

'Why the bone crushing hug, Thor?' Kat said as she pealed herself away from him.

'I saw your room. I thought you left without saying goodbye.' Thor explained.

'Well....' Kat started. His face fell again and she immediately felt bad. 'I have to go back to Sokovia. I have to see if Wanda and Pietro are okay.'

'It seems we'll all be heading back to Sokovia.' Natasha said as she stormed into the common room. 'One of Stark's robotic creatures has gone rogue. One of his robots killed Jarvis and attacked me and Stark. We tracked him and the trail ends in Sokovia.'

Everyone looked at Steve for direction and he sighed. 'Suit up.'

We all stood up to leave but Natasha put up a hand in front of me. 'Stark wants to speak with you. He's in the guest room you've been staying in.' Then she walked away, running to catch up with Steve.

Nervously I walked back to the room I slept in last night and awkwardly opened the door. I was about to talk face to face with the guy that killed my parents. My baby brother and sister, me.

I let out a calm breathe trying to keep a cool head. When I opened the door I saw Tony sat on the window cil, beside him an iPad and a brief case.

He gestured for me to sit beside him and I did. He cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

'I...uhm. I'm not very good at the whole apology, speech thing, so bare with me. I am so incredibly sorry for what happened to your family. I want you to know that it wasn't me who killed them, well...not me in person. But I take full responsibility because they were my weapons. I won't make excuses and I won't pass blame. I knew that my weapons, when in the wrong hands, could be lethal. When you told me about the attack on sokovia, I went online and found security footage from a local store. One of the shells were on the ground and I traced the serial number. My company sold those weapons to a guy called Baron Von Strucker. He was the one who instigated the attack.'

I listened to every word that came out of Tony's mouth and analysed everything he was telling me. He sounded sincere. He had no reason to lie to me, hell as far as he's probably concerned he'll never see me or my siblings again, he there was no reason for him to tel me all of this unless he genuinely felt guilty and was sorry.

'I know Strucker was the one who used the sceptre on you. I know he experiment with you and your siblings but what I don't know is...why you let him?' Tony questioned.

I shrugged. 'I had nothing left. I wanted to avenge my parents. I wanted to protect my brother and sister. Strucker was close friends with my dad. We called him Uncle Baron. As far as we were concerned he was a good guy. The only guy we knew to run to when everything went to hell.'

Tony nodded. 'It hurts to be betrayed doesn't it?' He asked rhetorically. He began telling me how his Dad's business partner paralysed him and took his arc reactor out of his chest.

I felt bad for him, of course I did, it human. But I felt even worse when he told me his parents were killed and that's how we bonded.

'Mr Stark, I appreciate you telling me all of this. Thank you. I'm sorry for blaming you. I had no idea Strucker-'

'Hey.' Stark cut me off. 'Don't apologise. Never apologise for trying to avenge those you love. You have heart. You're literally fighting to save your brother and sister. That's and the team...our "boss" Nick Fury...we all talked about how much of an asset you would be to the Avengers. We came up with a deal. A "we scratch your back, you scratch ours" kind of thing.'

I furrowed my brows as I tried to figure out what he was saying. Was he asking me to join the avengers? No way. I had met him yesterday. Less than 24 hours ago I was a hydra weapon. 'Mr Stark, what are you asking me?'

'Well first off, call me Tony. Secondly, we'd like you to join the avengers. Thirdly, I love your top. ACDC are the shit. Oh and we'll help you get Window and Peter back.'

'Wanda and Pietro.' I corrected and he nodded.

'Right. We'll go pick them up, you guys help us fight my rogue, robot child and we all live happily never after.' Tony smiled a bored, please say yes so I can leave, smile and I nodded.

'If you guys will help me save my brother and sister from anymore hydra experiments, I'll do whatever the hell you want.' I told him and he nodded.

'Fair enough. Put this on and meet us in the hanger.' He tapped the briefcase before heading to the door. 'Oh and Katerina?'


'Once you put that on, you're officially an avenger.'

Stark left and I opened up the sleek black briefcase. Inside was a green leotard and camo cape. There were also tights and knee high, black heeled boots.

I put it on and looked in the mirror. What kind of sick superhero joke is this? It's skimpy and tight totally impractical.

As I put the cape around my back, sleeves fell down and was able to slip my arms in. I watched as the suit adapted to my body and became the perfect fit.

'Well played Stark.'


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