Chapter 32 - Nate And More Parties

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It's been four years since me and Taylor been apart.

A lot happened since then.

Well to start off, I've been in a relationship now for two years with a man I truly love.

His name is Nate Mololey.

That day he came over with Sammy is where it all started.

He stayed the night that night and stayed up all night with me while I cried.

He took me to the mall and ice skating the next day with Sammy to get Taylor off my mind.

He made me happy for the first time in a while. And from there on out he just stuck by my side.

Eventually Sammy slowly stopped hanging out with us, and the rest of the guys started doing there own thing.

The Jacks making new music,
Carter stuck up Maggie's ass,
Maggie stuck up Carter's ass,
Matthew doing his own thing, Taylor doing the RV project and Digi tour,
Shawn living his dream,
Nash and Cameron making movies,
and Aaron doing his own thing.
Plus Jacob doing music,
Hayes doing his own thing,
and Dillon doing his own thing.

Me and Nate just stuck together, hung out everyday.

It was weird actually. One night we were laying in his bed watching 'Step Up; Revolution' when he just started telling me about his life.

About when he was little and about his parents and family and about all his adventures with Sammy.

He told me about his first girlfriend and first kiss and everything you could ever imagine, he told me.

I asked him why he told me all this stuff and he said
"Your my best friend, and I'm your best friend. You should know everything about me. So I figured I would tell you everything you don't know."

And with that I told him everything he didn't know about me.

Like all the good times with me and Taylor, when I had sex with Matt, sex with Nash, my first kiss and everything else.

And we just did everything together.

We were hardly ever not together.

And then one day, I told him I had feelings for him. And he said, "Alexis, I have feelings for you to. I have for a while. But I don't want to rush things. If your still hurting over Taylor or need more time to get over him then I understand completely."

And that's when I knew.

And so we got together. And I've been happy with him.

I still think about Taylor.

About how by this time we could have had a family and been married and how it was my fault he's gone.

I try to think positive. Like "he's happy now" and "we're better apart" but I know I'm just trying to make my guilt feel better for letting him leave that day in the hospital.

And how if I would have never had sex with Matt or Nash none of this would have ever happened.

But then I think if me and Taylor never broke up I would have never got together with Nate, and he honestly makes me happy.

All I ever do anymore is overthink pointless things.

I still cry over him at times, but I don't let Nate know. But Taylor was the first guy I was truly in love with. And not that it really matters but he was the first guy I ever had sex with.

Taylor's POV

Four long hard years. I haven't been with a serious girl since Alexis. I'm living in Florida by myself and I'm a manager at a store by my house that's by the beach.

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