Chapter 17 - Hospital Trips

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My heart dropped and I almost stopped breathing. I knew I hit her hard, but not that hard.

Alexis; "I didn't give her a concussion."

Mr. Wood; "When you bashed her head off the ground then kept hitting her, yeah you did. She walked into the office and then fell over from loss of blood."

Alexis; "Is she okay?"

Mr. Wood; "Haven't heard back from the hospital yet. But if she decides to press chargers, you'll have to go to court. And if you lose, your probably go to jail for a year or so. It is up to her on weather or not she presses charges because she did hit you first and she's an adult."

I stood there silent. I put my head in my eyes and started crying.

Mr. Wood; "You can go home now. I excuse you. I know it's a lot to take in. I'll call you when we hear back from the hospital."

Alexis; "Can you excuse Taylor Caniff?"

Mr. Wood; "What?"

Alexis; "Taylor Caniff, can you excuse him to leave early to? Please."

Mr. Wood; "Why?"

Alexis; "That's my boyfriend. I need his comfort and there no way I'm gonna be able to drive myself home. Please."

Mr. Wood; "Of course."

Mr. Wood called Taylor down to the office over the announcements. He walked into the principles office and seen me there with my head in my legs. He walked over quickly and stood me up. He wrapped me up in a hug.

Taylor; "Alexis, what's wrong?"

Alexis; "Take me home. Please. Right now. We both have excuses from Mr. Wood to leave early. I'll explain when we get there. Please Taylor."

He nooded his head and then we left and went to my car. He opened the door for me the went around and got in the otherside.

Taylor; "Your house or my house?"

Alexis; "Doesn't matter."

He didn't reply and then drove to his house. He opened the door for me and we walked inside. I went up to his bedroom and sat on his bed and cried. Taylor followed behind and shut the door behind him and came and sat next to me.

Taylor; "Alexis. Tell me what's wrong."

I sat up, and wiped my eyes. I took a deep breathe and let it out slowly.

Alexis; "Sydney.. I gave her a concussion."

Taylor; "You what?!"

He said it kinda loud. I put my head back in my knees and cried more. He wrapped his arm around me and got closer.

Taylor; "How?"

Alexis; "I bashed her head on the floor and kept hitting her this morning when we got into a fight. Mr. Wood said she's in the hospital right now. It's up to her whether or not she wants to press charges. But if she does I have to go to court and if I lose could go to jail for a year or longer. Taylor I can't do this."

I put my head in my legs and cried harder. He pulled my closer and rocked me back and fort.

Taylor; "Alexis, it'll be okay. We will figure this out."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my head into his chest. I stopped crying and looked up at Taylor and he fell asleep. I turned the T.V. on and just laid there relaxing. I grabbed my phone and checked it. I had a text from Amanda.

From; Amanda 👯
Where'd you go?

To; Amanda 👯
Left early. Come to Taylor's after school. I gotta tell you something.

She replied with a simple 'okay'. I just relaxed and watched T.V. I got up about 20 minutes later and went downstairs and made a bowl of cereal. I was sitting there eating it when there was a knock at the door. I went and answered it. It wasn't who I was expecting to see. It was Jordan, Taylor's brother.

Jordan; "Hey Alexis. Is Taylor here?"

Alexis; "He's asleep upstairs. Did you need something?"

Jordan; "Nah, but since he's not down here-"

He walked behind me and smacked my ass as hard as he could.


I heard Taylor's door open and he came running down the stairs.

Taylor; "Alexis! Are you okay?"

He ran up to us and ran over to me.

Alexis; "No! Your brother just smacked my fucking ass as hard as he could because I told him you were asleep upstairs!"

Taylor jaw dropped then he pushed Jordan out the door.

Taylor; "Don't fucking come back! And the ONLY reason I don't beat your ass is because your my biological brother! Fuck you!"

Jordan licked his lips the walked away. I shut the door and leaned up against the door. Taylor was pissed and punched a hole in the wall. I walked over to him and started giving him back scratches because it calmed him down.

I was giving him back scratches when there was another knocked at the door. I walked over and opened the door and again it was Jordan.

Alexis; "What do you want!"

Jordan; "To make Taylor mad."

He smirked and then leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I pulled away immediately and pushed him away. He back up and then said 'I'm out' and walked to his car and peeled out. I shut the door and turned around and looked at Taylor. His face was beat red and he walked into the downstairs bathroom and punched the mirror. It shattered and blood came from his hand and I looked at it and there was glass in it.

I look at him then started walking and pulled him with me. We walked to the door and I let go of him and put my shoes on.

Alexis; "Put your shoes on."

Taylor; "Where we going?"

Alexis; "I'm taking you to the hospital."

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