Chapter 3 - Awkward

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Taylor; "You ready?"

Alexis; "For what?"

Taylor; "To go dance!"

I smiled at Taylor and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.

We started dancing. We took more shots and drunk some drinks and within the hour we were drunk. I was on the dance floor twerking and grinding on Taylor, drunk as shit when taylor stood me up and grabbed my hand and took me to the closest wall and slammed me up against it and kissed me. After that we went outback and jumped in the in-ground pool. I ended up taking off the dress and swimming in my bra and thong because that's how wasted I was. I think Taylor was in his boxers.

I woke up in Taylor's bed in his clothes. And now I have a migraine. Taylor was laying next to me. I sat up and swung my feet over and sat at the edge of his bed. I guess I woke up Taylor because he sat up to and walk over and sat next to me.

Alexis; "I'm gonna go. I'll wash your clothes and bring them back to you next day I come over.."

Taylor; "Alright. Let's go."

Alexis; "Huh?"

Taylor; "You rode here in my car. Your car is still at the school. Remember?"

Alexis; "Honestly, no. I don't remember anything that happened after we got in the pool.."

Taylor; "Right.."

It was kinda awkward because we both remember the kiss that happened last night. I felt kinda bad because I'm dating Chase. Anyways I grabbed my book bag and walked down the stairs and went to his car. He followed behind me and then he drove me to the school. He pulled up next to my car and jumped out and ran around and opened the car door for me. I smiled at Taylor and told him 'thank you' and then jump out of his car. I walked out to my car and open the back seat and set my book bag back there and then opened the driver door.

I went to get it but Taylor stopped me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around and then grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the lips. I pulled back and gasped. Taylor still had his hand on my waist.

Taylor; "Taylor! I have a boyfriend! and you have a girlfriend!"

Taylor smirked at me and laughed a little bit.

Taylor; "Don't pretend you didn't like it."

Then he leaned in closer and whispered 'Just like how you liked it last night. It was pretty obvi. when you were asking for entrance.'

He pulled away and then grabbed my ass and walked away and went to his car and left.

I knew he was talking about French kissing when he said 'asking for entrance'. I was still trying to process what Taylor just said, but it was hard because my head was pounding from last night.

Anyways, after that I drove home and I laid and the couch and went to sleep. When I woke up it was around five. I checked my phone and I had 6 missed calls, 26 text and 9 missed facetimes.

All 6 calls were from Chase. 23 texts was from Chase, 2 was from Amanda and 1 was from Taylor. 5 FaceTimes were from Chase and 1 was from Taylor.

Tbh, Chase was really over protective. He always wanted to know what I was doing and when I would be done and to text him constantly if I wasn't with him and when if I wasn't with him he always wanted to be together.

I opened the text from Chase and they were all wondering were I was and what I was doing and if I was okay and how he was really worried.

No surprise.

I FaceTime him and he answered almost insanely.

Chase; "ALEXIS! Are you okay?!"

Alexis; "I'm fine. I've been asleep this whole time. My head hurts."

Chase; "Awe. My baby's getting sick."

I lightweight smiled at him and he looked concerned.

Chase; "Are you sure your okay?"

Alexis; "Yeah, I'm fine really.. I just don't feel good."

Chase; "You want me to come over and keep you company?"

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Alexis; "Come over in like an hour, I'm gonna get in the shower."

Chase; "Alright. I'll bring chocolate and movies."

Alexis; "You know me so well."

I smiled and he smiled back and then I hung up. After that I went up and got into the shower.

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