Chapter 12 - Old Friends

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Taylor looked at me curious.

Taylor; "Damn, your strong."

I rolled my eyes at him, still mad. But I felt a little better. Taylor still had his arms wrapped around me and Jack had his arms wrapped around Kennadie.

Jack; "Why were you guys fighting!"

Jack looked at Kennadie, then Taylor and then me. Taylor and Kennadie were silent.

Alexis; "Well. Since they don't wanna speak up I'll tell you. Taylor and Kennadie were caught making out with each other. Brent got mad and hit Taylor. I got mad and hit Kennadie."

Jack dropped his jaw and pushed Kennadie away from him.

Jack; "It's over!"

Kennadie; "I seen it coming."

She starting crying and then left. She probably went to her aunts house who leave a couple blocks away.

Jack; "Fuck you Taylor!"

After that Jack left. I pushed Taylor off of me.

Alexis; "I'm still mad at you."

Taylor made a puppy dog face.

Taylor; "I'm sorry baby. She kissed me first and I got caught in the moment. Forgive me- please."

Amanda was in the room and looked at me. She nodded her head saying that I should forgive him.

Alexis; "I can't right now. Maybe later. But right now I'm leaving. Bye Taylor."

I started walking away when he ran in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss. He lifted me up and spun me around, not once breaking the kiss.

Taylor; "I love you. And i'll be right here waiting for you. No one will ever take your place. No one. Come back to me soon so I don't have to miss you so much."

He gave me another kiss then went up to his room. I looked at Amanda and Brent.

Alexis; "I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna go walk at the park. I need to think about some things."

Amanda gave Brent a kiss and told her she'll see him later. She walked next to me and I gave her a confusing look.

Amanda; "I'm coming with. You need someone there for you."

I smiled at her then we walked to my car. When we got to my car my phone went off, it was a text from Taylor that said 'I miss you already💔'. I sighed then drove to the park. Me and Amanda walked the track.

Amanda; "Are you gonna take him back?"

Alexis; "I want to, but I don't know if I can."

Amanda; "Why not?"

Alexis; "He broke my heart."

Amanda; "Everybody makes mistakes. And nobody is gonna be able to fix your broken heart but him."

I thought about that for a second. Before I could reply two guys came running up behind us and wrapped there arms around around our waist and spun us around at the same time. We both screamed. They sat us down at the same time and we hurried up and turned around to see who it was.

It was Nash and Cameron.

Cameron picked up me and Nash picked up Amanda. When we seen them we smiled hugely and hugged them tight. First I gave Nash a hug, then I gave Cameron a hug. His hug was longer and tighter.

Alexis; "What are you guys doing here!"

Nash; "Chillin."

Cameron; "What are you doing here? Where's Taylor?"

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