Chapter 5 - Not Telling Anyone

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I grabbed my stuff and walked to English with Amanda and Justin. Chase didn't have English with us.

I walked into English and went to my seat. Taylor and all the populars were already in there.

The whole time Taylor didn't make eye contact. He pretended like I wasn't even there.

I sat there waiting for the bell to ring. When it finally did I slowly grabbed my stuff while everyone else ran out of the room. Including Taylor, Justin and Amanda.

I was walking out the room when my phone went off. It was a text from Taylor.

From; Tay The Bae 😘
Come to room 703 on the top floor.

Taylor put his name in my phone. Anyways, I never even been to the top floor. It's were all the extra credit classes were. Like chess, and drama. I played softball which was outside or in the gym.

I managed to find my way up to room 703. It was dark in the room.

I slowly opened the door and walked in. Taylor was sitting on top of a desk in the back of the room. I shut the door behind me and walk over to him.

Alexis; "What do you want Taylor?"

He smiled and didn't say anything. He just grabbed me by my waist and pulled me over to him and starting kissing me. He was still sitting down on top of the desk and I was standing in front of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back for a minute then pulled away.

Alexis; "Taylor, we shouldn't be doing this.."

Taylor; "No one has to know."

He smirked at me when he said that. I couldn't help but smiled whenever he smirked at me.

Alexis; "What if someone walks in on us. Then were fucked."

Taylor; "1.) No one is gonna walk in. They don't use this classroom this period. And 2.) We can fuck."

I laughed as he smirked at me.

Alexis; "How do you know?"

Taylor; "I have my sources."

Alexis; "What about cameras?"

Taylor; "Lights are off, so they can't see anything in here."

Before I could reply to him he pulled me closer to him and kissed me again. This time I didn't pull away. We continued kissing.

Taylor stood up, not breaking away from the kiss and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in the back of his hair. He always got chills down his back when I didn't that.

He grabbed my ass the whole time. We made out the whole period.

We stopped about two minutes before the bell rang.

I left before him so we didn't walk out together.

I headed to my next class with a smile on my face. I wanted to tell Amanda what happened, but I can't.

She would flip the fuck out because

1.) I'm cheating on Chase.

2.) We don't like the populars.


3.) I'm okay with it.

I figured I shouldn't tell anyone, so I didn't.

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