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 UrFavPickMe💖🤪: that was such a fun game night

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UrFavPickMe💖🤪: that was such a fun game night

CatBoi: you wasted so much health ON yourself...

Tendou🎮: I mean he's not wrong you also did miss while he was standing still

Bitch😌: well kuroo did you have fun?

Kuroo: i guess...

Bitch😌: I'm glad you stopped thinking about y/n and decided to have fun tonight

Angryboi🤬:you are always mentioning her like any chance you get are you jealous or something

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: obviously I mean she can't be jealous of me so who else can she be jealous of

CatBoi: you can't be serious why would you mention HIS girlfriend?

Tendou🎮: daisy No one wants to become a disease 🙄
(ᶜᴬᵀᴮᴼᴵ ᴸᴵᴷᴱᴰ ᵀᴱᴺᴰᴼᵁ🎮ᴹᴱˢˢᴬᴳᴱ)

CatBoi: now that's funny


angryboi🤬: if you need new memes just says so

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angryboi🤬: if you need new memes just says so

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: ugh yiu guys are so mean to me ))):

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: you*

Bitch😌: we love youuu 💖💖

CatBoi: speak for your self

Bitch😌: we love youuu minus the cat💖💖

Kuroo: I only love my girlfriend..

CatBoi: if you did why wouldn't you mention us to her no offense I'm really offended :)

Kuroo: kenma you can't be serious

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: on a serious note she really doesn't know about us?

Bitch😌: omg this dude won't leave me alone

CatBoi: don't you love attention??

Bitch😌: no it's literally a guy bullying me??

CatBoi: oh darn your first hater

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: bitch get over it I get hate all the time

Kuroo: why is a guy bullying you? do we know him

Bitch😌: idk ;-; but It's kinda getting to me lol

CatBoi: can we have a name or something?

Angryboi🤬: yeah you can't just say that without telling us the name

Tendou🎮: as much as we joke around with you we do care about you really

Bitch😌: well sometimes it hurts okay? And daisy stop making everything about you Jesus Christ

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: wait did you just tell me to not make everything about myself?

Kuroo: enough from the both of you! Either you tell us riley or new topic.

Bitch😌: new topic..

Kiyoomi🧼: sorry if I failed tonight, someone kept taking glaz from me..

Tendou🎮: dude I like him too!!

Kiyoomi🧼: well I'm better with him you didn't even use his thermal sight

Angryboi🤬: I think I'm going to call it a night, I gained so many followers so thanks for that

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: night! and yes look at that you are gaining popularity

CatBoi: hey kuroo can we talk in private?

Kuroo: yeah just text me

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: oh my god THE A

Tendou🎮: yeah I think I'm gonna call it a night as well

Kiyoomi🧼: same plus I have an appointment tomorrow

Bitch😌: well come on daisy let's go play Mario party!

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: stream??

Bitch😌: nah I need to talk to you about stuff

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: that's fine it better be my apology but we'll leave you two Boys alone, now let's go whore 💖

Bitch😌: we'll see.. but you first bitch 💖💖

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