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 Tendou🎮: what do you mean what?

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Tendou🎮: what do you mean what?

Tendou🎮: we all have seen them flirting heavily??

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: but way before y/n and him got to together!

Angryboi🤬: well I mean he's stopped but not Riley

Kiyoomi🧼: yeah but idk maybe it's just by accident

CatBoi: ..uh

KittenGorl: I'm so confused but hurt with what's happening because I asked kuroo if he liked anyone previous he said no.

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: this bitch >;C

Bitch😌: you called LOL

KittenGorl: no but you can leave :))

Bitch😌 : wow that's rude

KittenGorl: you've been rude to me for as long as I could remember without even knowing me but now I think you did know who I was but didn't want to act suspicious

Bitch😌: I have not been rude to you! I can't with this everyone here will back me up!

Angryboi🤬: but you have been?

Kuroo: I can explain really y/n

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: e_e you are making me pissed off

CatBoi: you've been on that app too much don't start that.

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: I think it suits the conversation

CatBoi: kys

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: tell me a date and time 🥰🥰

CatBoi: I can't with you anymore

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: that's what they all say 👁👄👁

CatBoi: stop it

Angryboi🤬: nightmare fuel in emojis

KittenGorl: you know I thought it was odd how I've never ever met/knew of this girl and she talks shit about me all the time it's finally making sense :)) I think we need to talk kuroo, now.

chop his DICK OFF.

Kiyoomi🧼: at least you guys are doing it in private.

Tendou🎮: I feel like I kinda started this I'm sorry! Please don't break up

Tendou🎮: I'm serious you guys are really adorable :(

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