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 UrFavPickMe💖🤪: sooo like can I ship CatBoi and y/n?? that steam was gr8

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UrFavPickMe💖🤪: sooo like can I ship CatBoi and y/n?? that steam was gr8

Bitch😌: ??

CatBoi: stop shipping people together.

Angryboi🤬: you played with out us rude..

Kiyoomi🧼: also why haven't we played Mario kart!!

Tendou🎮: kuroo hates it 😠

Bitch😌: so whst we should play it again!

Bitch😌: what*

Kuroo: wait you guys did a stream?

CatBoi: yeah me and Y/n did, why

Kuroo: she said she was getting sleepy..

KittenGorl:  technically I was getting sleepy so.

Bitch😌: so you lied to you boyfriend to play with kenma?

Tendou🎮: 😳

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: it's normal! we all get like that where we are tired at one point then not the next 😒

KittenGorl: thank you!! You understand

CatBoi: I don't get why it's a big deal?

Kiyoomi🧼: I mean I don't know seems kinda odd if you ask me but like daisy said it's normal but to then again to go play a game with your friends boyfriend instead of talking to your own boyfriend..😳😳

Bitch😌: woooow

Angryboi🤬: okay but so what? Y/n has the stuff to become a streamer now? Let her gain popularity by her self??

Bitch😌: but she wasn't by herself 🤪

KittenGorl: okay and your point riley??

Kuroo: the point is clearly not clear to any of you.

CatBoi: wait are you mad I played Mario kart with you girlfriend?

Kuroo: kinda I think it's shitty she said she was tired then can play a game while steam with you?

CatBoi: the amount of hate she was getting isn't cool I only did that to make her realize even though she's getting hate that she's a great person, maybe next time actually do something for her about all the hate and not just a tweet.

Kuroo: I'm also going to post a video about it, honestly that's the reason why we were on the phone

KittenGorl: it's mostly because you saw my tweet abou me saying let's break up, just admit kuroo you didn't care nor were even slightly phased that I was getting hate

KittenGorl: about*

Angryboi🤬: oop trouble in paradise

Tendou🎮: drama

Kiyoomi🧼: maybe you guys should fight without an audience? Aka US...

KittenGorl: we aren't fighting lmao I was just stating a fact that he didn't even bother to notice how much the hate affected me

Bitch😌: we all get hate so maybe I don't know actually be a big girl and ignore it 😌

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: ew riley stop it do I need to remind you of how you first started to react to the hate?

Bitch😌: well no.. I'm just saying!

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: no you are actually acting like a mega c word! this is her first time getting hate! any one who gets it first doesn't know how to act or feel so please kindly don't be such a c word towards her

Bitch😌: you know daisy you aren't perfect

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: and I never said i was?wait did me calling you out strike a nerve 🙄

CatBoi: everyone let's just calm down 😶

Kuroo: no because this is just such bullshit

Tendou🎮: why are you getting angry?

Kuroo: because of Riley! hello did she forget that's my girlfriend and I won't hesitate to kick her from the group chats if she keep being like this towards her y/n mentioned it to me before and I didn't say anything but now I am just stop being rude to my girlfriend.

UrFavPickMe💖🤪: yeah I won't lie I've been noticing how riley treats y/n and it's kinda sad actually 😬

CatBoi: just be better riley.

Kiyoomi🧼: now that you mention it..

Angryboi🤬: she did also call discord a dating app..

Bitch😌: that was a typo!!

Tendou🎮: was it though? we all know you had a crush on kuroo at one point and vice versa

KittenGorl: wait what?

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