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Waking up with a pounding headache was not a feeling I was missing. I stretched out only to notice how my door was wide open. That's odd. I remember closing it? I grabbed my blanket wrapping it around myself, walking around only to see how trashed my house was, making groan out loud. This is going to be fun cleaning by myself.

I heard the toilet flushing, and I turned around to be met with Kuroo staring at me "oh, when did you get here?" I asked him. He scoffed and walked past me, making me aggravated "no, let me rephrase myself, why are you here" I stated to him, making him glare at me. It almost made me frightened from the look he was giving me.

"Oh now you're awake" He said angrily at me confusion written all over my face "why so hostile? What's wrong?" I asked him

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He asked while shaking his head "last night texting me gibberish then before passing out calling me a different name, and you asking me what's wrong y/n" he crossed his arms over his chest leaning on the wall glaring at me

"I don't remember much of last night" I mumbled out to him pulling my blanket tighter around me "of course you don't since you got shit faced over complete bullshit!" He yelled out at me

"you know maybe this break was needed after all" He told me

"I couldn't agree with you more" I said to him not really looking at him just wishing this would end, I didn't have the same feelings for him as I did before so why not just end it?

"Then let's break up if we both think it's for the better! Since you probably were cheating on me anyways" he screamed at me as my eyes widened Did he really just assume I was cheating on him? What the actual hell I think he forgot he did it first.

"Really?You're gonna call me a cheater? you must've forgotten that you cheated first" I said to him he scoffed "go to hell y/n seriously bringing up the past? I've changed maybe it's you who needs to change" he walked away from me but I followed suit.

"Oh I'm so sorry that you must think everything about you is perfect god get over yourself!" I exclaimed at him. I noticed how we were by the living room but I didn't care he was just making me more angry I was just beyond done with this.

́̀𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤 ́̀

I opened up my door only to be met with (your favorite drink!) and kenma "Surprise! Y/n I told you I'd come over when I'm back in town" I couldn't say anything; I was such In awe that kenma was here and with (your favorite drink)

I smirked to myself grabbing on to kenma pulling him inside my house "and as you can see I really don't need you in my life anymore" I said to him he didn't say anything just walking past me and slamming my door shut.

"and thank god you broke up with him, you definitely deserved better y/n" kenma said as I just blushed a bit but I just felt so relieved of finally letting go of the toxic in my life.

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