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Bokuto🔪: have you guys noticed how much hate Y/n is getting like ever since she did her first stream the hate just keeps continuing

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Bokuto🔪: have you guys noticed how much hate Y/n is getting like ever since she did her first stream the hate just keeps continuing..

Hinata😸: yeah I've noticed it to she also won't respond to me..

Dad🤦: it also seems kuroo isn't doing anything about it

Sug: tbh I've never really liked him

Yamaguch: you think y/n will be okay?

King👑: she can handle this

Bokuto🔪: I've told off so many people :/ she really doesn't deserve hate just for wanting to do a stream with her boyfriend it's also his fans like dude say something

Dad🤦: I agree he should say something but how do we know he hasn't and people ignored him?

Hinata😸: just look at his tweets..

King👑: wow but I'm sadly not shocked :/

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King👑: wow but I'm sadly not shocked :/

Sug:  y/n deserves better

Yamaguch: I agree she does

Hinata😸: should we add her in here?

Dad🤦: you think she will join?

Bokuto🔪: it's worth a try?

Hinata😸: I'll add her!

***_***_**** has been added!

***_***_****: hey guys.

Hinata😸Changed ***_***_**** to m o t h e r

m o t h e r : lol ty

Hinata😸: if you don't like it feel free to change it

m o t h e r: I like it tbh but why did I get added?

Bokuto🔪: this is the cult👹 welcomeeeee

king👑: yet we all never agreed on it

Sug: true but it just suited us anyway hi y/n

King👑: yeah hey

Yamaguch: hey y/n

m o t h e r: why am I here though I'd rather be sleeping..

Dad🤦: we know about the hate you are getting..

m o t h e r: oh that's not a big deal you guys don't have to worry about me (:

Bokuto🔪: but we do who will protect you from the haters!

m o t h e r: I'm fine guys really plus it hasn't been bothering me as much..

Hinata😸: well that's good I'm glad kuroo is doing something about it!

m o t h e r: actually it's not him..

Dad🤦: what?

King👑: so are you..cheating on him??

Sug: I'm sorry did you just say it's not your boyfriend making you better?

Yamaguch: well if it's not him then who is it?

m o t h e r: just someone who recently followed me they talked to me about so much personal stuff that I decided to talk to them :)

Bokuto🔪: don't get hurt.

m o t h e r: I'm not gonna get hurt silly also I'm not cheating on kuroo I promise hell he hasn't even been talking to me lately.. I won't lie I've been crying my eyes out because of the hate but I'm strong enough to handle it

Dad🤦: I'm so sorry you are getting hate just don't let it effect you

m o t h e r: you gotta fight through the pain to get through the top and that's what I'm doing

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