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I was sat on my bed stunned. Why was I so stupid to believe in having another friend in my life? I'm such an easy person. I'm so nice to others that I just get blindsided if you are a decent human or not, and it wasn't even a he. It was her. Why did she go along with that for so long? All the personal stuff I told her.

I heard knocking on my door, and I went to open it only to meet with four guys. "I guess you can all come in.." I trailed off they all came in. "I'm hungry y/n!" Hinata said, making me glare at him and walk into my living room as they all did the same, not before taking off their shoes.

"Okay? So am I, but you don't see me complaining," I mumbled only to be whacked on the head by Atsumu "you two, Knock it off," he asserted. I rolled my eyes, and Atsumu went to my kitchen table, taking off his backpack only to pull out food along with liquor.

"I thought you said no drinking?" I implored. He smirked "never said you couldn't do it with a group of friends" I grinned at him.

bokuto jumped off the couch, knocking lev down "you dick, next time, don't push me," Lev said about just laughed, Lev charged at him "oi stop it before you idiots turn my house upside down," I announced they both apologized to me "we are sorry." they mumbled at the same time.

"Come on let's eat! Then we get drunk because I won't let any of us drink on an empty stomach!" Atsumu explained we all instantly sat down and started to eat the delicious meal. I seriously couldn't have been happier to have such good friends like these dorks in my life.

After we got done eating dinner, I was doing the dishes with Bokuto's help, "so I started to talk to someone.." he told me, as I stood stunned "oh, who? Do I know them" I asked since I did want to know;

He chuckled softly, "Oh, you know her" I dropped the plate in the sink because please don't tell me it's Riley. I couldn't handle that news, not now, "oh uh, who?" I spoke out quietly, "daisy! She's perfect for me. She even sent me a photo of herself, and I'm in love."

That made me happy, and for daisy to send a photo of herself to him. That's crazy. I've never even seen her "she also is more talkative about her sex life than I am, though.." I giggled "that's because you don't have one.."

He hit me on my arm, "not funny, but I'm serious. I like her y/n do you think you could see if she likes me?" He pleaded with me, and the way he asked seemed it was him genuinely meaning it.

I nodded my head "of course, I'll ask her if she likes you" he walked away, but it made me genuinely happy. Oddly enough, I could see them dating. As I was leaving the kitchen, I heard loud voices that belonged to Hinata and Lev.

"lev piggyback ride!"

"No, get off of me, Hinata."

"Never piggyback ride!"

"you two stop it before-" I said, but of course, something broke "oops!" They both yelled but while continuously laughing, making me sigh

"come on, let's drink!" I looked up to see Atsumu holding two cups in his hand "fine, just one!" Bokuto from the couch started laughing "you can't only do one. See you tomorrow with a hangover" I went over and made him die in the game he was playing

"oh, come on, you are rude!" He yelled. I just smiled at him as he shook his head in anger from losing.

Atsumu and I walked into the kitchen as he poured me my shot, but he stopped "you don't have to if you don't want to. I know you just said earlier or so how you wanted to get drunk. Well, what's better for you to get drunk, with friends?" He said to me, making me grin, "no, I need to get drunk, and it's even better getting drunk with friends."

"To a good night?" He asked. I raised my cup "to a good night!" I yelled out then I heard it throughout the house.

𝚃 𝚒 𝚖 𝚎
  𝚂 𝚔 𝚒 𝚙

"I'm gonna just text him!" I grabbed my phone before any of them could catch it from me and go into my room to text

Kitten🖤: helo:)

Kitten🖤: whyy oh whyy doesn't he loveeee me

Kitten🖤: yuo knw a crush? I hav 🤪

Kuroo: what? It's 3 in the morning are you drunk y/n

Kitten🖤: whoa spiny spiiny

Kuroo: do I need to come over?

Kitten🖤: room go zooooms

Kuroo: that's it I'm coming over, I don't care if we are on a break you shouldn't drink by yourself.

I flung my phone down because the room was spinning so fast, and my thoughts were not as coherent as I thought. I heard loud footsteps come into my room, and someone sit on the floor next to me " why are you all drinking" I knew that voice. I couldn't tell who it was. I didn't say anything, though; I just shrugged my shoulders, trying to remember who was talking to me. The only name I kept thinking of was kenma.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," the voice said, and I smiled softly. They picked me up and gently laid me down, and got in my bed as well. I turned around to kiss them on the lips and smiled up at them. I then noticed how they had different hair colors. Oh wow, I knew who it was now, kenma, yes! That's who was in my bed. He looked so cute right now with his black hair.

"Thanks, kenma."

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