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"I can't believe you dated her of all the people!" I yelled out at kenma, who was still staring at his phone, then he looked over at me, stunned by me yelling.

I stood up so frustrated thinking about my crush on him because that's never going to happen he doesn't even like me, "it's been years y/n," kenma asserted to me.

"I get that, but" I let out a sigh, "you just don't understand, kenma," I said to him. He stood up, looking in my eyes "then make me understand why this is getting you so upset," he begged me. I shook my head, pushing him away from me.

I walked away from him, going into the kitchen. He followed along, "why won't you tell me what's wrong y/n? You are acting childish, getting pissed off at me for my past!" He yelled at me.

"let's just watch a movie and stop this discussion," I said to Him, making him groan out loud, "walking away from your problems classic move," he mumbled as I was exiting.

"You know I never even liked her, and it was kruoo who said I should date her, but he never even mentioned it was his ex," he said loudly enough for me to hear.

I looked at him. "Oh..but why keep the relationship going if you felt nothing?" I asked quietly and walked back to the couch as kenma walked into the living room, sitting on the couch next to me

"We were a very toxic couple. If I'm honest, she was always assumed that I was cheating on her daily, talking to other people. At one point, she told off everyone in the group chat, and she started stalking me. I couldn't take it. However, when she kissed kuroo, I thought finally I could break up with her," he said to me with a small smile.

"You know kuroo is an asshole for cheating on you y/n. You didn't deserve that, and you went back to him. Why?" He asked me, making me feel self-conscious. He wanted to know why I went back to Kuroo. If I'm honest, I don't even know why I went back to him.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered to get out, making me more aggravated at myself that I couldn't talk right now since I was embarrassed and my cheeks started going red.

kenma shook his head "there has to be a reason why you went back to him," he said to me, making me think I looked towards him. "I guess because he was my first for everything, and I didn't want to lose him, but here we are broken up and him already probably dating Riley! Ugh, what's wrong with me? Why can't I ever be enough."

"Y/n you are enough! Now stop putting your self down," he expressed to me, making me roll my eyes at him

"But I'm not! Who likes me? Do you see that no one likes me" I yelled out at him, making him sigh

"You don't know that y/n," he mumbled

"Oh, but I do, kenma. I don't even get why you think otherwise," I explained to him because it was confirmed not a single person liked me

He looked at me. "I-" he stopped talking, making me confused, "what? Are you trying to say?" I raised a question to him as he shut his eyes, taking a deep breath in

"I-I" he was cut off by his phone going off, making me feel anxious

"Oh? Tanaka, you need help tomorrow with your team?"

"Yeah, I guess tomorrow will work out.. what time."

"Six-thirty in the morning? Dude, what the fuck? That's so early."

"Well, I'll be there when I can"

"No, I won't bring you any food!"

"I'm hanging up."

He rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks had a pink tin to them, making me more confused "so it's almost two in the morning. Let's get ready for bed," I let out to him, getting up.

In a hurry, he grabbed my hand, pulling me down, so I was sat in the same spot as last time. He looked me in my eyes. "I-I li-" he was cut off yet again, but this time by my phone. I was so irked at this point

"Tell me what you are trying to say. These interruptions are not helping since you want to tell me something," I said to him

He looked defeated, making me feel bad "with all the interruptions and you trying to tell me something then keep getting cut off, it's getting me anxious, kenma," I expressed to him

He shook his head "it's nothing, y/n just go to bed. I'm going to take a shower" he stood up, leaving me shocked and so troubled why wouldn't he tell me what he was trying to say? He had the chance nothing could've stopped him.

I stood up from the couch, making my way into my room, turning on the light so I could get changed into comfy clothes. Yet the one thing that keeps running throughout my head is what did kenma want to tell me, and more importantly, why did he hesitate mid-conversation? Was it that important, or did all the interruptions make him pissed off?

I can't dwell on this all night. I hope whatever he wanted to tell me, and he'll say to me eventually.

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And you know me I can't ever not have a cliffhanger.

I will say my plan/goal is to finish by fanfic by chapter 30 or 35!

I do want to definitely write another haikyuu fanfic but I don't know if I should let alone will anyone even read it?

Anyway please leave me some feedback good or bad

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