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As soon as I downloaded the app, I was met with the opening screen and its information on setting up my profile.

I had my profile all done. I did set up my Spotify with it as well, maybe I could find other people that have the same Music taste and just become friends with them.

Thinking back to how I let Riley in my life so quickly because of a stupid account, it most definitely gave me a bit of a trust issue because what if anyone I do ever meet is just a catfish.

Maybe this isn't such a good idea anymore, and Instantly I closed out of the dating app. This was such a stupid idea.

I went over to my pc and started to play a new game called Calico: Magical Girls Running cat Cafés I even decided to do a stream of it.

As I talked to autumn, one of the game's witches, I felt my phone going off, I paused my game and my stream. As I pulled out my phone, I seen two notifications.

Oh god, did I even want to talk to him? He was always lovely, just super full of himself because girls are obsessed with him

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Oh god, did I even want to talk to him? He was always lovely, just super full of himself because girls are obsessed with him. I just shook my head and went back to playing.

I got all done with the stream and decided to get up and walk away from my desk. Just my luck, someone was knocking at my door.

I opened it up only to be met with a kitten, I mean a literal kitten, "so I found this kitten lurking around. Just look at it y/n," I chuckled softly, "so you came over to bring me a kitten? I asked him. He blushed and pushed the kitten towards me.

Allowing him to walk right in, "yes, kenma, make yourself right at home," he smirked "oh, I can move in? Thank you y/n" I pouted at him as I shut my door.

"No, you know what I mean," I picked up the kitten, "so what's it's name?" I asked him

he smirked. "I don't know look at the tag."

I looked at the kitten's tag and seen nothing on it "uh, there is nothing on it?" He stood up in a hurry grabbing the kitten.

he sighed in relief "flip it over! Also, the kitten is a girl."

I picked her up and flipped her tag around only to have wide eyes, "Kenma.." I was in utter shock. "I" he looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

A knock shifted the mood hugely. "I'm sorry," I quietly mumbled out as I got up and opened the door only to be met with kuroo and no god damn way SHE was here at my house.

             ゚゚・。・゚゚・。・゚゚。 ☁️♡ 。゚ 。゚゚・。・゚゚。
 ゚・。・゚🌸゚。 ♡ 。゚
 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚・。・゚ ☁️☁️゚。 ♡ 。゚
  ゚・。・゚ 🌸゚゚。 ☁️゚。 ♡ 。゚ 。゚゚・。・゚゚。
 ゚・。・゚🌸゚。 ♡ 。゚
 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚・。・゚ ☁️☁️゚。 ♡ 。゚
  ゚・。・゚ 🌸
come on now we are coming close to the end so I have to add some hella drama because I this is going to end at chapter 29 sadly


I literally can't believe people are reading and enjoying this I'm so damn thankful you don't understand

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