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I sighed when I picked it up

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I sighed when I picked it up

What kuroo...

Why did you tweet that?!

Why wouldn't I! You have a funny way of showing you care about me

I do care about you y/n

Do you? Have you seen the amount of hate I've been getting, I've been trying to keep it together-

I felt my eyes watering and my throat closing in on its self

But I just can't anymore kuroo! This is getting too much for me

That's when I broke down sobbing into my phone

I do care about you so much! I love you I'm honestly sorry I haven't been saying anything I want I to believe-

Oh you want to? Then do it stand up for me I can't do this by myself your fans who are sending me hate are sad lonely pathetic people!, Tell your fans to stop bullying me because kuroo if it continues who knows what will happen..

What do you mean?

The amount I get-

Y/n no don't think that way please you are doing so good with your depression

I was faking it for you! God why are we talking about my depression we should be talking about how shitty of a boyfriend you have been to me.

I'm sorry I'll do anything I swear, I can't lose you

Then please just stop the hate..

Should I tweet and make a video or what?

I don't know kuroo just make it stop

Did you or do you still wanna break up with me y/n

Honestly I don't know anymore..

So you wanna break up..

Can we talk about this later I'm getting tired now, bye

Yeah we can I love you,bye.

When I hung up my phone, I just sighed, letting go my phone on my lap. Did I want us to still be together after all this hate I've been receiving?

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