011; take me home

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third person.

despite how anxious and how confused mollie felt about the whole situation to do with the return of her mother, she had still agreed to meet her for dinner the following week.

the only person who had known about monica's sudden return back into her daughter's life was max, julie and eugene were unaware because the two siblings knew of their hatred towards her and so they were keeping it a bit secret to every single person they knew.

but mollie still sat with her mom in the corner of a diner, they had already ordered and received their food, which monica noticed that her daughter had picked at for the past ten minutes while she tried to find the correct words to say.

"so.. what do you do at college?" monica spoke up, hesitation clear in her voice as mollie looked up at her.

"i don't.. i don't go to college." she replied, noticing the look of disappointment on her mother's face, "i went to this college in new york for arts but i only recently dropped out because it was just not working.." she explained, sinking into her chair as monica slowly nodded.

"what are you doing with your life then? what goals do you have?"

"um, i don't..?" mollie shrugged slightly, "i don't have any plans right now."

"oh," monica paused, "that's fine, you don't need to have anything figured out."


the pair fell back into another state of silence for a few moments as monica finished the rest of her meal, scratching the back of her neck just before she placed down her silverware and looked back at her daughter.

"i know this is weird," she spoke up, "and unusual for your mom to-"

"you're not my mom." mollie interrupted her, "you'll never be my mom."

"i'm sorry," monica told her, "i'm sorry i wasn't there to watch you grow up and support you, i know i'm not the best mom in the world but i want to try. you can tell me anything you've been wanting to tell me, i want to get to know you mollie."

mollie stopped what she was doing, placing her silverware down and sitting herself up before her eyes flicked up to meet her mom's, a few tears that had already made her eyesight blurry as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"i'm sure you have a lot to tell me about," she continued, "high school? boys? parties? your friends?"


"your teenage years are the best years of your life," monica continued to ramble, not noticing mollie's head constantly shaking side to side, "you get so many experiences, try some many new things, why don't you tell me about that?"

"when i was in high school, i spent every weekend at every party i could, i was always wearing the smallest dress i could find and i was always with the guys who would smoke all this shit in the backyard, didn't you do the same?"


"okay," she sighed, "why don't we get to know each other a little better..? would that help?"

"i guess."

"okay, i'll start." monica suggested, "my favourite thing to do in my spare time is paint."

"paint?" mollie looked up at her, "i paint. i paint a lot."

"what do you paint?"

"literally everything," she shrugged, "i have this wall in the back of the house and it's only halfway done but it helps so much with my anxiety and my depress- sorry, yeah i like to paint."

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