~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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That exact night, Valencia ventured down the cold, eerie streets of Riverdale. Yet, without any intention, her feet stopped outside the previously occupied gargoyle hideout. It almost felt as if the young girl was being drawn there or maybe she was just missing somebody. That somebody being the mischievous, scruffy haired young boy.
Even though they were never really official, they did seem to have a 'thing' going on, Valencia was hoping that he saw her the same way that she saw him, seeing passed his arrogant exterior which most don't even seem try. Once again, she wondered up the stairs of the crumbling flats which were in need of renovation since the gargoyles trashed the place.

As she approached the old room where Kurtz once slept, the door was already cracked open. With a slight push, the girl entered, her nose tingled with the familiar musty smell filling her senses. All of a sudden, there was a slight creak of a floor board, which was enough to make Valencia jump out of her skin. A shadow accompanied her on the wall, signalling someone was behind her. Quickly turning around, the girl held up a fist ready to hit whoever this figure was. Only to be met with an amused laugh.
"Kurtz? I could have hurt you!" The Raven haired girl exclaimed.
"You really think your lame attempt of a punch was going to hurt me?" Kurtz asked unimpressed. Valencia rolled her eyes.
"What you doing here anyways?" Kurtz added.
The young girl shrugged her shoulders, unable to come up with a reasonably good excuse.
"Wait what are you doing here?" She asked, turning the tables on him.
"I came to collect a few more things considering last time I had to leave in a hurry." He replied.

Something felt different, the room didn't have the same feel as it did when she had slept over. And Kurtz felt it too. The silence in the room only making Valencia more anxious. Neither of them spoke and Kurtz wore an unreadable expression upon his face. Though the building was empty, the boy proceeded to shut the door, locking it with the key he had tucked away in his pocket.
Valencia's breath quickened, fidgeting with her fingers. He eyed her body up and down. A playful smirk upon his lips. She no longer saw confusion in his eyes, no they were much darker now. He stalked forward, backing the shorter girl against the wall, placing one hand out infront of him, steadying himself and holding her in place.

"You know Princess, I've been beginning to think that you regretted that kiss back at the other hideout." He spoke deeply.
She could feel his breath mingling with hers,
he was waiting for a rise out of her, he needed her to make another move.
"I don't regret anything." Valencia tried to reply confidently however her words came out shaky.
"Then why has it not happened since?" He tilted his head.
"I don't know and besides, I still don't even know what we are." She sighed answering honestly.
"You're mine."

How do we feel about adding some spice to the next chapter? Maybe a little, okay maybe a lot of smut??
I have so many plans for this book which makes me so excited as I finally have it all planned out, be prepared for dramatic and emotional scenes to come!

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