~ Chapter Ten ~

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By the time Valencia reaches the trailer, Sweet Pea was sat at the counter head in hands. He looked exhausted. His head rose to face his sister. She carried on walking to her room.
"Val?" Sweet Pea's voice called faintly.
Emerging for the light, Val propped herself against the door frame.
"I'm sorry." He looked down at the surface.
"I shouldn't have reacted like that. It's your choice who you see, I'm not saying it's a good choice but I want to be your brother. Not your enemy." Sweet Pea explained.
Sighing she sat down besides him. Placing her hand on top of his she smiled lightly.

At school, Kurtz was mia but it's Kurtz, no need to worry. He never turns up to school unless there's chaos to cause. Jughead was avoiding Valencia after what had happened. Her brother briefly talked to her here and there, but nothing was the same. A damn boy. A fucking hot damn boy, not a murderer. They need to calm down.

Afterwards, Valencia decided to try the Gargoyle hide out. Unsure if they would let her in without his protection, she hesitated before knocking on the door. A man wearing a Gargoyle mask answered the door, walking closer to her. Stopping face to face, almost as if he was going to hurt her. Only she recognised that outfit, "Kurtz?" She questioned. Taking the mask off he ruffled his hair and laughed, before tossing the mask inside. "So what brings a princess like yourself, to a place like this." He flashed his famous smirk.
"I came to see you." She stated.
"Is this going to be a regular thing?" He licked his lips.
"Don't get your hopes up, lover boy." She smacked his shoulder playfully.
"Come on in."

Back in Kurtz' room, Valencia sat down on the bed where Kurtz sat besides her.
"Skipping school is becoming a habit of yours" she tilted her head.
"Really?" He titled his head mimicking her move.
"Well I didn't fancy the Serpents beating my ass along with your brother." The messy haired boy chuckled.
"Thought you could have handled it, not as strong as that front you put on huh?" Val smirked tapping his cheek. Swatting her hand away he pulled a face.
"I spoke to my brother." She broke the silence.
"He's gonna drop this stupid feud, and TRY and accept it I guess."
They looked back and fourth before laughing, as if the Serpents were ever going to drop this.

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