~ Chapter One ~

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"So, you're the last one. The last Ghoolie standing?" Jughead furrowed his brows. "Where's the rest of your crew, Verne?" Valencia asked. The two Serpents sat across from the former Ghoolie, wanting answers. "After we lost Malachai, then Penny...no one knew who to look to, who to follow. So most of the Ghoolies went to the Gargoyles, started playing G&G." He told them.
Valencia sighed leaning back in her seat.
"Now that Tall Boy's dead, who's their leader?" The girl questioned.
"Closest thing to a leader is a whack job named Kurtz, who keeps the game going." He replied looking back down at his food.
"Do you know where he is?"

Both Jughead and Valencia headed out of the diner and to the location Verne gave them.
"Is this it?" She asked looking at Jughead sceptically. The place looked sketchy as hell.
"I think so" He replied turning the handle.
The pair stepped into the dark, dilapidated house, raising his flash light. G&G symbols covered the dirty walls, a crouched figure in a black hoodie cowered against the beam. Looking up, Valencia spots dozens of disembodied doll legs dangling from the ceiling, sending shivers down her spine. Stepping deeper into the lair they came across a group playing G&G, the game master sat behind the board wearing a gargoyle mask.

A gargoyle statue hung from the wall, a glassy eyed teen sat in the shadow beneath holding a doll leg in his palms. This only made Valencia feel even more uncomfortable.
"Are you Kurtz?" She asked the boy. No answer. Her breathing sped up. He just continued to stare. He was beginning to creep her out.
"We're here to talk. One leader to another."
Kurtz motioned his head, allowing them to sit across from him. His gaze still fixed on them both.
"You're wanted for making and dealing Fizzle Rocks. But if you and your Gargoyles join my gang," Jughead began.
"We can promise you immunity from the sheriffs office and the law." Valencia finished, pitching the offer.
"Law. Immunity. I have looked into the eyes of the King. And his is the only law. The law of Gargoyles, carved in stone." The dark haired boy stated. This dude was in way too deep with G&G, protesting it's not just a game, a way of life. He rose, Jug and Val followed suit.
"You come here as a king. But you're not a king." Kurtz spat.
"And you think we are playing a game. But we are living a prophecy." He continued, sitting back down.
"And you are all just sacrifices, waiting to be made." A smile played in his lips, turning his head slightly, catching Valencia's eye.
"And only the worthy will ascend." His eyes flicked back to Jughead who grabs Valencia's hand to leave. Although Kurtz made her feel uneasy. She was intrigued by the menacing leader.

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