~ Chapter Five ~

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Sweet Pea had already left by the time Valencia woke up which was unusual as he always gives her a ride. She shrugs it off as just him meeting with the others before school. Once eaten her breakfast and finished getting ready for school, she put in her black earphones and pressed play on her music, beginning her long walk to the Northside.
As soon as the girl arrived she took out her earphones and headed straight to her brother who was stood with Jughead and Fangs, deep in conversation. Val cleared her voice drawing the attention to her.
Instantly her brother felt guilty for making her walk but as no one spoke, she rolled her eyes walking straight past them. Looking over her shoulder they continued their conversation, whilst glancing at her from the corners of their eyes.
They were planning something.

Already mad with her brother, she looked for some comfort. Her comfort was Kurtz. Only he wasn't anywhere to be found once again, presuming he was skipping, the girl gave up. She sighed knowing she couldn't go find him again like a lost puppy.
Instead Valencia pulled herself through another boring day at Riverdale High. But secretly following her brothers steps and keeping an eye on what he and his fellow mates were up to.

"I'm going out." He announced back at the were his sister who was sat on the sofa. Looking up from her phone she simply replied "okay" before returning to her phone. He shrugged it off and left.
Valencia quickly shut her phone off and put in in her back pocket before grabbing her coat and heading out the door after him.

Val's eyes widened realising what was going on.
The raven haired girl could just about make out her brother knocking on the door with a baseball bat. Once two figures wearing Gargoyle masks answer, Archie and Sweets rush to take them down. The L&L fighters and the rest of the Serpents surged in. Jughead lead them up the stair case whilst Baby Teeth stayed behind with a baton keeping watch at the door. Archie lead the L&L fighters through another door on the first floor whilst Jug continued up to the second floor with the Serpents.
Her eyes darted around for another way in but there wasn't. She did the only thing she could. Picking up a decent sized rock, she threw it near to the door, but far enough away so she could slip in. Baby Teeth headed over to the rock and looked around before heading back to his post.
In that short time she had managed to sneak in. Slowly and cautiously she made her way up the stairs.
Sweet Pea and the rest of the Serpents head through a different door on the next floor before Jughead continues climbing the stairs alone, wielding a crow bar. They all continue down the dimly lit halls they were assigned too. Apartment doors fly open and Gargoyles flood the corridors, some shooting guns.
Valencia stops in her tracks hearing all the commotion above her. She was waiting until it quieted down and just prayed her brother was okay.
Archie, Mad Dog and Jughead reunited on the top floor. The three of them took a moment to recover until more Gargoyles filled into the hallway. Mad Dog fights the on coming wave of Gargoyles whilst Jug and Archie break down a door and head through. Jughead shoulders the door in which he had seen an outstretched arm aiming a gun at his best friend. Jug begins to drag Kurtz, his arm swiftly round his neck whilst the leaders hands tied in front of him. Archie joins Mad Dog in the fight while the beanie wearing boy dragged the beaten Gargoyle leader.
Val couldn't hear anymore fighting so she continued up the stairs looking over her shoulder. Just as she is about to reach the second floor. She hears an all too familiar voice.
"Jughead." He spoke.
"I'm ready to ascend. Are you?"
A wave of shock and panic pulsed through the girls small body.
Kurtz pushes off the stairwell door, throwing both himself and Jughead backwards through a window.
Valencia hurried to look out of the now broken window, seeing them both lead on the floor. Her legs carried her back down the steps and out of the door where Baby Teeth no longer was stationed. Rushing round the back, she saw Kurtz scrambling to his feet whilst she rushed over to Jug.
"Don't let him get away!" He shouted at her, not even questioning why she was there in the first place.
Valencia chased the Gargoyle followed by a red head. Archie Andrews. He lost sight of Kurtz and the girl, trying to steady his breath, he gave up knowing they were long gone.

Archie sauntered back to Jughead in defeat, meeting him along with the other Serpents.
"I lost him sorry Jug." Apologised the redhead.
"What about Valencia?" He questioned.
Sweet Pea's face furrowed in confusion.
"My sister was here?" The lean boy asked.
Both boys nodded in response.
"She just appeared and I told her to run after Kurtz." Jughead sighed in admittance.
Worry settled in on their expressions.
"We'll all split up and look for her." They all agreed and began to look for Valencia.

Meanwhile Valencia caught up to Kurtz's pace and he began to slow down, realising it was now only her. He spun round at the worn out girl, out of breath he spoke,
"Can't stay away from me princess." She chuckled. "You wish."
"Seriously though what's your deal?" Kurtz asked the girl curiously.
"I don't know" she shrugged. Some part of her cared about him. The other part was unsure. But one thing she knew, she didn't want him getting hurt.

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