~ Chapter Eight ~

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Kurtz roamed the empty streets, carrying a duffel bag which Valencia could only presume was his cover for the drugs he was selling. Catching up behind him, the girl managed to catch his wrist pulling him around.
"Val I have somewhere to be...you know I have to do this-" He began.
"It's a trap." Valencia raised her voice.
"What?" The confused boy questioned.
"Jughead. He's planning to get you arrested tonight, I think it's a set up." Her face worried.
"And how would you know this?" Kurtz stepped closer.
"I overheard him talking about how he is going to catch you out, I only figured it out once you mentioned the drop off yesterday. Just trust me on this please."

FP's cruiser sat parked just beyond the fence, facing the club. Jughead and his dad waited patiently for their target.
However the customers around the corner were becoming inpatient their supplier was late.
Jughead bit his nails anxiously, time was passing by. The chance of Kurtz showing now was slim but they couldn't leave yet.

They both peeped around corner from the boxing club, FP's cruiser was insight. They were waiting for him, just like the girl had claimed.
Kurtz' eyes narrowed. Nodding her head, they ducked down as they ran across the street.

"There!" Jughead yelled, startling his father. Looking through the mirror above, FP made out the lanky figure of a hooded teen. Kurtz. His foot pressed down on the peddle as he followed the Gargoyle leader.

"Hurry!" Kurtz yelled to the slower girl.
"Sorry I'm not made for running." She heavily breathed out.
Hearing the car speed towards them, Kurtz dragged the girl down a dark alley, leaving it driving right past them.
Catching her breath back, Valencia began laughing.
"That. Was. So. Fun." She looked him in the eyes. He chuckled at her definition.
"With me, there will be plenty of running." He rose his brows.
"I bet on it."

FP's cruiser came to a stop. His hands hitting against the wheel in frustration. "Damn it!" He growled.
Jughead tried to think of how Kurtz would have known that it was a set up, and who he was running with. He wasn't alone that was for sure. Maybe another Gargoyle? Or maybe worse. Someone they all know.

For a while, the boy and the girl walked in a comfortable silence enjoying each other company.
Valencia ruffled her hair sighing.
Kurtz flashed her a questioning look.
"I told my brother I was sleeping over at a friends tonight otherwise he wouldn't have let me out, he's not very trusting at the moment..."
She muttered awkwardly.
"So where you gonna go?" The dark haired boy asked. Val just shrugged her shoulders.
"Back at the Gargoyle hideout I have a room, I mean it's off limits to everyone else but...maybe you could stay with me. They won't hurt you." He offered unsure at first.
She smiled and nodded. The two made their way back to the once raided Gargoyle hideout. Valencia just hoped her brother doesn't find out.

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