~ Chapter Twelve ~

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Once again, Valencia's feet wondered the early morning streets of the town with pep. Her only thought being 'did he believe it?' Val shortly arrived outside the run down building, confusion hit her as the door was already wide open. Cautiously, the girl peered inside, yet no one was insight. Asending the stairs, she found the place completely deserted. As if everyone just picked up and left, leaving behind old blankets and equipment. The same icky smell lingered in the air. Finally reaching the top room, Valencia wondered in. The room had been abandoned, left behind by the fizzle rock junkie only, where did he go? A single note was to answer that question. Val picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it.
"Serpents came back for more trouble in the night, had to leave quick. Located back to the abandoned bus. Don't tell the others – Kurtz x" She read aloud. That's where she headed next, to the nearby scrapyard. 

"Kurtz?" The raven haired girl called out. A tall figure lifted his head, distracting himself away from the book he was currently reading. He tucked it under the tatty seat cover, before approaching the young girl.
"Found me so soon princess" He smirked.
Valencia rolled her eyes, earning a light chuckle from the older boy. They both slumped down on the tattered leather seats.
"I told Jughead that things between us are over." Valencia whispered, looking down at her lap. Kurtz furrowed his brows, "What?"
"It was just to get him off our backs." She played with her fingers nervously.
"And now you suddenly care about what Jughead thinks?" Kurtz argued.
"No i-i just thought it would be easier this way." He let out a sigh.
"So I'm guessing I won't be able to see you in school anymore then?" He asked. The young girl shook her head lightly. Kurtz slung his arm around her small frame and she leaned back onto him. The other gargoyles were out on some other quest meaning they would be alone together for a while. Val looked up at the older boy, sadness in her eyes, "it will be okay" he reassured her, tucking a stand of her hair behind her ear. He smiled down softly at the girl below him, admiring her beauty,
"we will be okay."

Thank you guys for all the support and being patient with the updates, I'm sorry it took quite long but I'll be updating more regularly now for sure <3
So I have most of the story planned out now, but I'm curious to see where you would like it to go, so leave a comment saying what you would like to see happen. Do you guys prefer it cute or with some drama? Lemme know! x

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