~ Chapter Two ~

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After a long day, Jughead headed back to his trailer to see his sister, whilst Valencia decided to join the other serpents at Sunnyside trailer park. She sat round the burning fire beside her brother Sweet Pea and their friend Fangs.
"These Gargoyles need to be taught a lesson" Sweets spoke up.
"I agree, those drug dealing, G&G playing, junkie scum bags" Fangs said clenching his fist. The boys smirked at each other. Val rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile back in the trailer the Jones siblings was watching tv, until 3 figures in masks, gargoyle masks, burst in. Jughead shoves his sister behind him protectively, pulling out a switch blade whilst Jellybean pulled out her slingshot. Gladys made her way through the door, "It's okay, kids. Stand down." She told them.
"Are they here with you?" Jughead frowned.
"I did what you couldn't." She stated.
"Take off those stupid masks" His mom ordered, looking over her shoulder. The Gargoyles, including Kurtz, unmasked themselves. Jughead pointed his finger at Gladys.
"This is a bad idea." He said his eyes wide.
"I know you guys will find a way to work together." She told them all.

The following morning, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Valencia and Jughead sat in a booth at Pops before school.
"So they just bust into your trailer?" Valencia asked trying to comprehend what had happened.
"Yep, my mom recruited them." He confirmed rolling his eyes.
"What did she offer them? Why would they listen to her and not you?" Fangs questioned.
"I don't know." Jug sighed truthfully.
Knowing Gladys and what she has been up to in Riverdale, nothing would be surprising.

Back at school, the Serpents and past Gargoyles gathered into the empty classroom for yet another Swords and Serpents meeting.
"Do any of you know about the break-in to the chemistry lab?" Jughead asked impatiently.
Kurtz smiled his hand lightly brushing his chin. The sun shone on his face, highlighting his features which Valencia found herself studying until Jughead spoke once again.
"Kurtz. What are you smiling about?" Jughead narrowed his eyes.
"Just thinking how looting the Alchemist's Lair was one of our more...rewarding quests." He laughed, the other Gargoyles copying his action. Sweet Pea pinched the bridge of his nose whilst Fangs sat on the desk with his back facing Kurtz. Other Gargoyles looked between the two boys waiting for something to happen.
Valencia sighed, she knew where this was heading and she was fed up of Jughead all-so-mighty act.
"You realise Weatherbee's gunning for us now right? Moron." Valencia sniggered at his lame attempt of an insult.
"You promised us immunity." He calmly stated.
"Not when you flagrantly break the law." Jughead snapped. Pointing, he continued, "You're going to return that equipment."
"The hell I am."
'Oh boy it's going to kick off', she told herself.
"Frickin' Fizzle Rock Junkie" Fangs spoke over his shoulder.
"You wanna go right now?" Kurtz challenged.
The boys leapt off their desks and stood face to face, causing the raven haired girl to mentally face palm.
"I should've beaten you over the head with the branding iron when I had the chance." Val's eyes widened realising it was him in the forest. Regardless, her feet met the ground and began walking towards the two boys. Sweet Pea stood behind Fangs making the Gargoyle aware of the side he was on. Fangs lunged to push Kurtz only to receive a shove back from his best friend.
"Why are you defending him Val?" Sweet Pea questioned his sister.
"Look, don't you remember how the old Serpents used to be? How you used to be? Breaking the law all of the time" The raven hair girl exacerbated.
"No one was immune then. Nothing was done about it. So why is everyone so bothered about it now?" She sighed.
She could feel Kurtz smirking behind her.
Jughead slammed his fists on the desk in frustration. Valencia had tipped him over the edge. The room fell silent, not receiving a response she nudged past Fangs and Sweets and left. Jughead continued to shout for a while before Kurtz had slammed the door and slipped out into the corridor. After making eye contact for a brief second, the girl strutted down the hall in the opposite direction.
"Hey" Kurtz ran to catch up to her pace.
"Look, why did you stand up for me?" He asked grabbing her wrist.
"I didn't. I just reminded Jughead that the Serpents aren't as innocent as he makes out. And that you lot aren't so different." She stated looking deep into his eyes. He chuckled lightly. "Whatever you say, princess." Kurtz raised his eyebrows and smirked, turning back in the other direction.
"Asshole" she muttered. But he was still close enough to here, shaking his head smiling.

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