Chapter 1

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The spring air was crisp as Amelia Delaney sprinted through the dirt path of the Southern Division Trainee Corp grounds located within Wall Rose. She was in the process of shoving her arms through the sleeves of her trainee jacket, and didn't bother fighting the grin that seemed to be permanently etched on her face since bolting from the carriage she had arrived in.

"Amelia!" The sound of her mother's voice prompted her to turn as she ran, and she skidded to an abrupt stop. "Jeez, pump the breaks."

"Sorry," Amelia laughed breathlessly as Silica Delaney caught up to her, walking at a relatively slack pace. She stopped before her daughter with a hand on her hip; looking almost nervous as she brushed a strand of Amelia's red hair out of her face. "Just excited."

"I know," Silica's eyes rolled halfheartedly. "This is all you've been talking about for the past three months."

Amelia grinned again, and bopped up and down on the soles of her feet as Silica examined her daughter's face. The amber of her eyes shimmered with a glare of light as she adjusted the collar of Amelia's jacket before taking Amelia's cheeks in her hands. Other future soldiers hurried along passed them as they stood there, however Amelia knew better than to rush her goodbye, understanding well that this would probably be the last time she saw her mother for a few months.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Silica asked softly, looking down as she spoke. Amelia held onto her wrists gently.

"Yes, Mama," she assured sternly. "You don't have anything to worry about. It's just training camp."

Silica was quiet for a beat before offering up a loose smile, and finally let her hands fall back to her hips with a sigh.

"Alright," she finally said. "Just be careful and do your best. I'll see you again in a few months."

Amelia nodded in agreement, and turned sharply on her heel to continue her sprint toward the Trainee mess hall. She had only gotten a few steps in before turning around to face Silica again, and redirected her sprint toward her mother's already open arms.

"I love you," Amelia whispered once they collided. "Tell Erwin, Peter, and Lucas that I'll miss them."

"Sure thing, kiddo," Silica tightened her grip around Amelia before letting her go. "Now go before you're late."

Amelia grinned again before finally taking off, and felt Silica's eyes on her back as she passed the precipice of the training grounds. Soldiers akin to her rank swarmed around her, and she excitedly looked around on her way to the mess hall. There were so many people that she didn't know who to talk to first, or if she should talk to anyone at all. She wondered whom there she would eventually befriend, and popped her fingers at her sides whilst ascending the three stairs separating her from the mess hall entrance, passing the ration tables set up outside entirely.

Her gaze skimmed the heads that sat at the tables, and finally settled with crossing her fidgeting hands behind her back. Once spotting a free spot at the table closest to her, she sat down.

"You look excited." The sound of a boy's voice made her jump, and upon turning her head, she saw the freckled face of the black haired boy that sat across from her.

"I've got the jitters," she smiled brightly at him. "I'm not really sure if it's the nerves or if I really am excited, but I am happy to be here!"

"Me too," the boy grinned back at her and held out his hand. "My names Marco Bott."

"Amelia Delaney." She introduced herself and shook his outstretched hand.

"That sounds familiar," Marco said as he leaned forward on his arms. "Are you Captain Delaney's daughter?"

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