Chapter 4

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The following day's training consisted of indoor lessons on Titans and their anatomical weak points.

The 104th cadet instructor had been prattling along about things Amelia had learned months ago, and her mind raced with everything but Titans as her leg ceaselessly shook from beneath her desk. She itched for the chance to get back outside on the training field, and found herself restless as she wondered exactly when the lesson would end. She felt homesick when she wasn't able to distract her mind with physical exercise, and thought the anxiety in the pit of her stomach to be nauseating.

Thoughts of her mother, Erwin, her dog, and her brothers filled her head, and she sighed halfheartedly whilst dropping her cheek into her hand. Her gaze hung on the window beside her desk, watching aimlessly as other trainees roamed the grounds of camp. Light clouds filled the sky, hinting a summer downpour, and the trees rustled gently in the humid breeze.

"Miss Delaney," the sound of her instructor's voice made her jump in her seat, and she quickly turned her head to see his impatient gaze. "Perhaps you can answer this one."

Amelia blinked, suddenly blushing as every other trainee in the room looked at her. "Pardon, sir."

"Where is a Titan's weak spot located? And can you tell me the exact measurements that are required to effectively kill one?" He asked thereafter, arms crossed as he looked at her pointedly.

"The nape of the neck, sir," she replied without missing a beat. "Exactly ten centimeters deep and a meter across."

"Alright," he continued whilst turning fully to face her. "How about this. What are the Titans made of that makes them anatomically weak against ODM swords despite their superhuman strength?"

"That's a trick question," Amelia said. "No one knows for sure, but it's theorized that Titans operate by heating gas and expanding a carbon-fiber-esque polymer. These fibers are weak in terms of shear strength, which is why their limbs and such are so easily severed by simple ODM gear."

Her instructor narrowed his eyes at her as he hummed. "Very good."

Amelia released a breath of relief when he turned to address the other side of the room, and shot Jean a scowl as he snickered about her being called out whilst elbowing him in the side.

"That concludes the lesson for the day," their instructor announced as he erased the chalkboard. "You are all dismissed."

Amelia quickly gathered her books and followed at Jean and Marco's heels on their way out of the room.

"Miss Delaney," her instructor's voice reared her to a halt, and she quickly looked over her shoulder from her place standing in the doorway.  He didn't look at her as he slid a stack of papers into a folder. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"

Amelia shot a nervous glance toward Marco and Jean, — whom also stopped upon her beckon —and they both offered her a shrug. She scowled at them as they walked away.

"Of course, sir." Amelia said whilst inching a bit further into the room. She anxiously fiddled with the loose threat on the spine of her book.

"You're familiar with Karanes District, correct?" He asked. He looked at her over the rim of his glasses.

"Yes," Amelia nodded. "My mother has a house there."

"So you know where the Eastern Divisional Scout Regiment HQ is, then?" He asked thereafter.

"Yes, sir." Amelia nodded again.

"Very well, I have a task for you," he said. He handed her the folder. "I need you to deliver these to the Scouts base in Karanes before dark."

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