Chapter 10

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Amelia slumped against Marco's side in the mess hall the next morning. She didn't nearly get enough sleep due to getting back so late the previous night, and was now feeling the full effects of her lack of rest. Marco also appeared to be more tired than usual, and held his chin in his palm with his eyes closed.

"You know," Jean spoke from his seat across from them. He held his mug up to his lips. "If you two didn't stay out sucking face last night, maybe you would have gotten to sleep a little sooner."

"W-we didn't —"

"The sound of your voice pains me," Amelia squinted at Jean while cutting Marco off. "Be a good horsey and eat your feed."

Jean's face cinched up at her horse-face joke that Eren started a while back, and he inhaled a sharp breath. Marco suppressed the urge to laugh.

"I should have let your little ass tumble outta that carriage." Jean seethed under his breath.

"Don't talk like that." Marco gave him a disapproving look.

"You two are sickening." Jean rolled his eyes.

"Hey, shorty."

Amelia woke up a little more at the sound of Ymir's voice, and saw that she was approaching their table with Krista following behind her. She scowled like she usually did, but it felt less threatening this time.

"What is it, Ymir?" Amelia asked, not moving from her seat. The lingering chatter in the mess hall eventually died out once the other trainees noticed their interaction.

"Krista here tells me you saved her skin," Ymir got right to it, seeming impatient to get it over with. Amelia couldn't help but feel pleased at how Ymir squirmed. She had Krista to thank for that. "So... thanks. I guess."

"Does this mean you owe me?" Amelia smiled coyly. Ymir openly cringed and clicked her tongue.

"Yes!" Krista answered for her, seeming happier than the both of them.

"Hm," Amelia turned away from her. "I'll remember that."

"Thanks again, Amelia." Krista gave her a quick hug from behind before scampering after Ymir, and Amelia was left to smile smugly to herself at having one over on Ymir. She loved when karma did the work for her.

"It's about time," Marco sighed in relief once they were out of earshot. Jean sat in silent agreement. "I'm glad she'll start to leave you alone now."

"You and me both." She smiled brightly.

A dog barking from outside called for everyone's attention in the room, and when Amelia turned in her seat to look toward the open doorway, a tall Doberman came trotting inside before standing at attention. He stared right at her, and soon a familiar figure came walking in behind him.


Amelia met her mother's gaze in an instant, and for a moment, Amelia couldn't tell if she was hallucinating. Her mother snapped her fingers as Amelia stood up, and Amelia's childhood dog — Duke — broke his stance to run up to her.

Amelia fell into her mother's welcoming embrace as Duke patrolled in a circle around them, tongue flopping out of his mouth as he waited for Amelia to acknowledge him. Quiet murmurs filled the room as the other trainees gawked at Amelia and her mother.

"Hey, kiddo," Silica gave her one more squeeze before pulling away. She took notice to Amelia's bruise immediately, and grabbed her by the chin to get a better look at it. "I got your letter and received notice from Shadis that you had an encounter with a group of thieves on your mission. I came as soon as I could. I take it that's where you got this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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