Chapter 2

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An entire week of training camp had passed before Amelia knew it, and despite staying in such close quarters with Annie, she had neglected to man up the courage to speak to her again since their first meeting.

She gave off a vibe that both intimidated and intrigued Amelia. She was exceptionally talented in hand-to-hand combat, so much so that she made it look easy to flip someone twice her size over her head, and she itched at the chance to go up against Annie herself in training. She was so stoic that it made her alluring, and Amelia desperately wanted to know more about her.

She sighed heavily from her place seated beside Marco in the mess hall. The room buzzed with conversation as she swirled her spoon around in her porridge, and she didn't look up as Marco laughed softly.

"What's so funny, freckles?" She asked, pursing her lips as she plopped her cheek into her hand.

"You could just go talk to her, you know," he said knowingly, watching her as she stared at the back of Annie's head. "And I already told you that nickname makes no sense; you have more freckles than I do."

"Whatever," Amelia huffed, throwing him a glance as she straightened up in her chair. "And it's not that simple."

"Why not?" Marco pressed, offering a lopsided smile. "That's generally how getting to know someone works."

"You try talking to someone who looks like they wanna rip people's faces off all the time and tell me how easy it is." Amelia frowned up at him, and the pout on her face made him laugh again.

"Even if she wanted to, I think you could take her." Marco shrugged, flaunting his bias, as he stuck a spoonful of his breakfast in his mouth.

"You're crazy."

"Are you two talking about the blonde psycho again?" Jean Kirstein — who had been the boy to pick a fight with Eren Yeager on their first night of training camp (and who still regularly did so) — came up from behind them, tray in hand. He sat across from them with a roll of his eyes.

"Tell Marco just going up and talking to her isn't an option." Amelia ignored his attempt to mock her. She leaned forward on her elbows as she looked at him pointedly.

"I say quit being such a pansy and go up to her already." Jean said, eyeballing her from over the rim of his mug. Amelia scoffed.

"Alright, tough guy," Amelia said challengingly. "If you can talk to Mikasa without fumbling over your words, then I'll talk to Annie."

Marco covered his mouth to stifle his laugh, and Jean's face ignited with a deep blush, and when he didn't say anything, she snickered.

"Yeah, didn't think so." She said, smug.

"You two are helpless." Marco shook his head halfheartedly.

"Oh shut up, Marco," Jean spat whilst glaring daggers in Amelia's direction. "What is there to be scared of, anyway? Didn't she defend you?"

"I mean..." Amelia trailed off, attention drifting from Annie back to Jean. She frowned. "Yeah. But that doesn't —"

"Why don't you ask her to be your sparring partner?" Marco cut her off with a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe having something to ask her will make it easier."

"Yeah, ask her to beat your ass, that'll help." Jean rolled his eyes again with a scoff.

As they spoke, the bell commencing role call drew in their attention, and before any more conversation could be had in regards to Annie, the trio was up and following the rest of the trainees out of the mess hall.

"Say, Ama," Jean had spoken up from his place beside her as they went. She offered him a side glance as he swung an arm over her shoulders. "Would you say you being a total wuss is because you like Annie?"

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