Chapter 8

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Amelia's Reply:


Tell Uncle Levi I said thanks for the cravat. I've been wearing it everyday since I received it. Having a piece of home makes it easier to brave the day.

As for training: it's going well. We're scheduled to set off on a real mission in the morning. We're being sent on a wilderness hunt to hone our survival skills, and Marco was appointed as the leader of our group...

I found myself missing home a lot more than usual. I'm not sure if it's because I'm feeling disconcerted about some of the people I've met here... but it's been making me think. I met this girl, Annie. She acts as though we're companions, but if I get too close, she pushes me away. I know I should take that as a hint to cut my losses... but I feel drawn to her somehow: like she's hiding something really deep. I don't know, I'm just rambling, but I keep asking myself what you would do. I know you'd tell her to cut the bullshit, but I can't bring myself to be forthright towards her. She's hard to read.

And Marco...

I know I told you he was just a friend, but it looks like it may be more than that after all... it's hard for me to say, considering I've been so concerned over Annie. He's very attentive, though. I know he really cares for me.

I wasn't expecting to face these sorts of problems when I came here, but they've been the most challenging part of bootcamp. I need your advice. Tell me what to do.

I'll be visiting home again when I have some free time. I miss you.

                                                   See you soon,


The cry of a hawk echoed from the sky overhead as billows of wind rustled the leaves on the trees rooted along the dirt path Amelia rode along. She was accompanied by several other fellow cadets, whom all had been assigned together by Shadis for their survival mission. Marco was appointed leader of said group, and Armin was tasked with keeping record of what took place on their travels.

Amelia's brow twitched irritably, for Eren and Jean had begun bickering long before they left camp, and had continued to do so throughout the day. They were steadily beginning to wear on her nerves, and she irritably scowled at Jean from the corner of her eye.

"Would you give it a rest," Amelia said under her breath, knocking his own nasty look off his face when he transitioned his stare from Eren, to her. "Keep frowning at him like that, and you'll get wrinkles."

"Who gives a damn about that?" Jean snapped.

"You want to keep your skin nice and pretty for Mikasa, don't you?" She spoke a bit louder to tease him. He shushed her quickly.

"Will you keep your voice down?" He whisper-shouted with his finger held in front of his mouth. His cheeks were red.

"Speak a bit nicer to me and maybe I will." She shot him a warning look. He slumped, defeated.

"Let's take a break." Marco announced as he brought his horse to a slow stop. He turned to smile wearily at them.

Their small group came to a stop, and Amelia dismounted to stretch out her legs. The relief made her sigh in content.

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