Chapter 5

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The day for ODM training that Amelia had been waiting so impatiently for was finally upon her, and she resisted the urge to bounce on the soles of her feet as a cadet helped fit her for her first personal set of gear within the Supply Depot. She wasn't a stranger to the feeling of using it, but the prospect of having her own gear filled her with excitement so contagious that Jean and Marco couldn't help but chuckle as they watched her. She was like a little kid in a candy shop.

"Sit still," the cadet reminded her for the third time as she tightened the straps on Amelia's legs. "I'm almost done."

"Sorry!" Amelia stiffened at the look she had shot her just before she stood to adjust the strap that went across Amelia's chest.

"Does it feel tight enough?" She asked without looking up. Amelia nodded wordlessly. "Good. Then you're all set to head outside with Shadis."

Amelia clapped her hands together giddily at the news. "Thanks!"

The cadet shook her head in amusement as Amelia bounced up to Jean and Marco — who had both been waiting for her before heading out to line up themselves.

"I don't know why you're so excited," Jean commented as the trio fell into step with each other. "You've used the ODM gear before."

"Yes, but this is gear I get to keep," she justified, feeling confident. "It's different!"

"Don't discourage her," Marco gave Jean a pointed look. "I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do."

"Thank you, Marco." Amelia grinned sneakily at Jean as she spoke. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Kiss ass..." Jean muttered as they arrived at the training grounds. Most of their division was already there waiting for them.

"Alright you sorry sacks of shit!" Shadis' voice drew their attention toward him as they moved to stand in line. Amelia gazed upon the gear pulleys that were set up behind him. "The faster we get this over with, the faster the real work begins! Let's get a move on! It's Aptitude Test time!"

Amelia didn't fight the grin that crossed her face as her fellow trainees began filing toward the individual pulley systems. She stood back a ways as she watched the others begin their testing, and found it difficult to decide which group to join.

"Listen up!" Shadis continued. "There is no use for you here if you cannot perform! Fail, and be shipped to the fields!"

"Nervous?" The sound of Annie's voice made Amelia jump, and she turned just as she approached her.

"Not at all," Amelia lit up. "Are you?"

"No." She replied, steadfast.

"Amelia!" Marco called for her from a few feet away, and the two turned to him as he beckoned for her to follow him.

"Guess that's my cue," Amelia offered Annie another grin. "See you around."

Annie neglected to say a word as Amelia walked off, and upon her entry to the group Marco had been standing in, she came to see that Mikasa was balancing expertly on the pulley as she stared off into space. She was a natural.

"Guess I shouldn't be surprised she's good," Amelia observed as she crossed her arms loosely in front of her. "She's good at everything."

"You got that right," Marco agreed. "But look at Jean. He looks pretty natural, too."

Amelia turned as he nodded in their friend's direction, however he appeared to need to concentrate a little harder in order to stay up right. Amelia chewed on the inside of her cheek, anxious for her turn as she looked upon those who were suspended in the air.

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