Chapter 6

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Gusts of wind colored Amelia's cheeks pink as she flew through the air. Her face adorned a giant smile as she weaved through the trees, and her hair whipped in the breeze as she skidded across the dirt on the side of her gear, making sparks fly just before she whipped herself into the air again.

She let out a shout of glee as her gas tanks propelled her into the sky, and she released her rigs as she maneuvered through the forest. Her eyes scanned the trees just as the Titan dummies were shifted into view, and adrenaline pumped into her system as she readied her swords.

Amelia came down with a vengeance upon the nape of the Titan dummy, sending chunks of leather and wood flying in her wake. An exhilarated laugh pushed its way out of her, and she turned her head as Marco came flying up next to her.

"You took my shot!" He called to her playfully, matching her wide smile.

"You're too slow!" She sounded cheeky whilst releasing more gas. She struck another two dummies on her way.

"You're amazing!" Marco yelled from a few feet behind her.

"Show off!" Jean shouted from above. Amelia scowled up at him.

"Isn't that the point?" Amelia chided, snickering at the exasperated look on his face.

Amelia laughed along as Jean and Marco followed behind her, and eventually their paths crossed with Annie, Reiner, and Bertoldt. Amelia watched from the canopies of leaves as they all took turns striking the dummy, and saw that Jean didn't cut the nape quite deep enough. It made her snicker as she flew beside him.

"Not deep enough!" She teased, and stuck her tongue out at him when he snarled.

"Think you show offs can slice and dice?" He retorted. "Best hope you see a Titan before I do!"

Amelia barked a laugh as he zipped past her, however she decided to continue to pursue him, using the branches of the trees she flew past as leverage to hasten after him.

"What'd you say to tick him off so bad?" Connie's voice drew her attention toward him as he approached.

"He's just sensitive cuz he sucks," Amelia grinned and Connie scoffed. "C'mon, let's follow him!"

Connie agreed wordlessly and continued on at her side, and within a few moments they were hot on Jean's trail.

"Way to lead the charge!" Connie said once he was within earshot. He flew past them as they came upon another Titan dummy. "You don't mind if I steal your thunder, right?"


Sasha struck the Titan's nape just before Connie could do it himself, and shouted in glee as the wires of her gear tightened and threw her back into the air just before she could hit the ground.

Amelia cheered for her from a distance, and as she rapidly flew through the air, she felt herself warble before the rig of her gear came loose from the tree she had shot it into. She felt herself quickly falling, and sucked in a sharp breath as the rig came flying back at her. She narrowly dodged it by twisting midair, however she couldn't deploy her rig in time to catch herself before she went slamming into the trunk of a tree.

Her head spun as the wind was knocked out of her, and she scrambled to catch herself on a thick branch as her other rig came loose. She hissed at the radiating pain, and looked up through bleary eyes to see that Ymir was hovering in the air in front of her. Searing anger quickly replaced her confusion, and she stumbled when she tried to stand.

"Oops," she said, eyes narrowing as she glared at Amelia. "Must have hit your wire with my rig by accident. My mistake. Still getting used to the gear, y'see."

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