Chapter 7

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Sweat dripped from Amelia's brow as she focused on heaving herself up without the aid of her shoulder. Despite her nurse's better judgement, she had been partaking in minimal exercise since she incurred her injury. She grew restless the longer she had to sit on the sidelines, and felt the sling was now unnecessary. Her shoulder gave her no trouble, but she was still encouraged to wait another day before removing it.

"I thought I'd find you here," Marco's voice pulled her from her focused sit-ups to see that he was standing in the weight room doorway. "A letter and parcel came from your folks, so I thought I'd bring them to you."

Amelia's face lit up, and she was up in a flash to take her mail from him. The letter was enclosed with her mother's seal, and a grin crawled along her lips as she opened it:


I know it's only been a few weeks, but everyone at home misses you like crazy. Both of your brothers ask for you constantly, and I have to think of reasons not to show up to camp and embarrass you. It's just not the same here without you.

How's training going? Have you made any other friends? I'm sure you have, and I'm sure you're blowing everyone else out of the water. I'm so proud of how far you've come. I just know you're doing great.

Uncle Levi asked me to send a gift for him, said it was for good luck and to let you know he's thinking of you. He's got a lot of faith in you, too, kid.

I'll stop now before this gets long. We love you, Ama. Write back soon, and don't forget to visit.


"The parcel is from my uncle." Amelia announced excitedly as she handed Marco her letter. He took it, and watched while she opened her package.

"What is it?" Marco asked curiously as Amelia took a moment to stare at her gift.

"It's a cravat," Amelia's expression turned soft as she took up the small white cloth in her hand. It was soft like silk and matched the one Levi wore. "He said he sent it for good luck. He wears one just like it."

"Aw, that's really sweet," Marco smiled crookedly. "Want me to put it on you?"

Amelia was quick to accept his help, and stood still while he wrapped it gently around her neck. She looked up to him as he did, and noticed his cheeks steadily turning pink. It made her tilt her head.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked. He met her eyes quickly. "Your face is turning red."

"I-it is?" He looked taken aback, pausing what he was doing to place a hand on his cheek. "U-uh, sorry. I think it's just hot."

Amelia smiled. "Sure."

Marco felt his heart begin to race at the look in her eye, and he quickly looked away from her to finish tying her cravat. Once he was done, he took a step back to get a good look at his work, and smiled at how cute it made her look.

"You pull it off well." He decided to say. She laughed.

"Thanks," she said. "Now I just need a fancy tea set and then I'll be exactly like my uncle."

Her comment made Marco chuckle. "You should visit them again soon."

"Yeah, I will," she nodded. "Anyway, what're you doing out of training?"

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