Quick note before we start I don't wanna be needy but it would mean the world if you guys could like my chapters🥺 I work super hard on them and they haven't been getting a lot of likes and I really wanna go up on the board so more people can possibly find this book!! pls n thank u i love u guys ANYWAYS back to what you were all asking for ;)
" She said,
"hello mister,
pleased to meet ya ."I raise the volume on the remote connected to the bathroom speakers before placing it back on the holder against the wall. My body wanders swiftly out and I can feel his eyes gazing at my bum as I walk through the doorway. My hips sway on their own to the music and I finally reach the opened suitcase on the floor next to the nightstand. I turn my head slightly to the side as I walk and I watch from the corner of my eye as Alex crosses his hands over his chest, his body already leaning against the bathroom vanity. I lean down, fully aware that my ass is in his full view. I take longer than necessary looking through his t-shirts before finally landing on a random dark grey band tee.
" You find the one?" he asks, adjusting his legs as I turn around and walk back towards him and the doorway. I nod my head and a smirk pulls at his lips, not the menacing one he usually shows me but the one that makes my stomach do flips in the best way possible. " Let see what you've got there" he asks playfully, looking at me with the widest grin. I giggle in my spot and unwrap the shirt, holding it out in front of me for him to see. " Oooooo" he gushes, my smile growing so wide my eyes begin to scrunch up. " Good choice hun." he praises me his hands moving forward and finding my wrist before pulling me forward against him. My eyes look up at him and he smiles down at me as my smiles widens more and more with each passing second.
" I think I made a good choice too." I grin, looking up at him before biting down on my lip lightly as he continues looking down at me. He moves a strand of hair in front of my face behind my ear and smiles before laying his palm on the side of my face and bringing my lips to his for what seems like the millionth time this morning. Although im not complaining, I would do this every waking second if I could. His lips dance with mine as they mold together, the warmth and euphoria feeling like we're melting in a pot. " We-have-to" I try to speak but he continues kissing me, his hand still wrapped around my jaw and cheekbones. I roll my eyes, but giggle in my spot against his lips. He giggles back and we continue kissing, the room filling with laughter and joy. " Alex-" i try to scold him in between kissing his lips and still giggling. Id be lying if I wanted him to stop. I'm being stubborn like usual, but I have no interest in removing my lips from his. We kiss for several more minutes before he finally pulls away, kissing the side of my mouth and my cheek before pulling away completely. My mouth feels empty without his but I don't bother saying anything against it. We have a busy day today and although I rather spend all day and night in his arms with his mouth against mine it would be extremely irresponsible
My responsibilities nag at my mind but I do my best to push them to the side as Alex steps to the side and walks towards the shower. I dont move from my spot and watch as he begins to adjust the temperature of the water. A ball drops in the pit of my stomach and I feel my palms get sweaty as I remember what we're about to do. I've never taken a shower with anyone especially not someone like Alex. He turns around and I instantly look away, trying to avoid his gaze so he doesn't notice my anxiety filled eyes. Although I try my best he instantly notices and approaches me, his fingers finding mine.
" Whats wrong?" He asks, his fingertips tapping and playing with mine. I shrug my shoulders instinctually and instantly regret it. Ive been meaning to get rid of the habit but it's hard. Im not used to telling people my problems. It always seems so pointless. It only allows me le way to treat you like shit." Jocelyn-" he scolds, one of his hands coming up to my chin and pulling my attention away from our connected hands and up at him. " Whats wrong love, tell me." he instructs, slowly and softly. Tears begin to prick at my eyes and I desperately try to hold myself back. I'm not sure what's coming over me but for some reason looking at him and hearing his voice has made me feel so safe I just want to let all 23 years of pain out in an instant.

Romance"Flicking through a little book of sex tips Remember when the boys were all electric?"