" Lets panic in my heart
Lets panic in my heart
Oh the times I feel it
It's tearing me apart "He begins singing along to an unfamiliar song, stopping halfway and taking A deep breath before continuing to sing again. My ears perk up at the sound controlling me as I listen to his every word and to his wonderful voice that always fills me with a bubbling sensation outside of just the liquor. The song playing from speakers in the corner is much louder but I don't bother paying too much attention to it and simply listen to his unique voice.
I feel my lips curl into a smile on their own but I simply stay put, watching him from behind the glass as my buzzing state controls me and keeps me from leaving. After several more minutes he stops running and steps off of the treadmill, dragging a towel across his face before wrapping it around his neck. My buzzing state continues to control me and I don't bother moving as he moves through the hotels complimentary gym. He doesn't notice me and places his full attention as he walks towards it to retrieve his water bottle. He takes a large drink before letting out a deep exhale and laying on the floor, my body moving in its spot at watching him suddenly and randomly lay on the floor. My feet trail me towards the large glass door and I step in without a second thought, the light yet prominent sound of the door closing behind me startling him in his spot and causing him to look up towards me.
" should I call a doctor?" I tease him, the small argument we had and his carelessness from earlier being forgotten and suppressed by the liquor. He laughs lightly and shakes his head before looking back up at the ceiling and laying his head back down on the floor. My feet move me closer towards him until I reach him and lay myself down, my body centimeters from his. My breathing accelerates and I feel my heart race against my chest as I swallow a lump in my throat, my eyes turning to look at him every 2 seconds.
" what are you doing here sweetheart?" He questions, letting out a sigh. I bite down on my lip and shrug my shoulders, my mind not bothering to process any logical response to his question. Although even when I'm sober, I never bother to think logically when I'm around him. He laughs lightly to himself before sighing again, his eyes still gazing up at the ceiling. " how much did you drink?" He asks in a serious tone. I let out a light giggle and he finally turns to look at me, his eyebrows furrowed at the unusual sound of me giggling like a little girl. He raises an eyebrow at me and I continue giggling, trying my best to cover over my mouth and to stop but failing. " What are you laughing at?" He questions turning to look at me completely before beginning to laugh as well. My giggles turn into a rambunctious laughter and I hold down on my stomach, my eyes practically knitting shut as he continues his own laughter as well.
" I'm- sorry." I say in between my laughs as they finally begin to die down. I wipe the tears built up in the corners of my eyes and let out a heavy breath, desperately trying to collect myself after my manic laughing. " I'm sorry." I repeat myself, letting out a heavy breath and turning to look at him. My eyes catch his and I suck in a sharp breath, my eyes subconsciously moving around the room to avoid his gaze.
" we should get going." He mutters, lifting himself and gazing down at my body still laid out across the floor. He extends his hand out and I shake my head. " Come on." He groans, although a humorous grin pulls at his lips as he gazes down at my stubborn behavior. I cross my arms over my chest and huff in my spot, the drinks causing me to strangely act like a bratty child. " Jocelyn it's getting late and I'm exhausted." He yawns, causing me to yawn only seconds later. He tries very hard to pull off an annoyed reaction but I notice he cant help but smile down at my childlike demeanor, shortly after reaching for my hands and attempting to pull me up as if I was a toddler. He almost does so successfully but before he can my childlike state causes me to challenge him as I use my other to pull him down to me, his body falling down on top of mine easier than I expected. His weight lands on me for only a second before he places the pressure on his elbows in order to keep himself from crushing my short and nimble body. His hot breath fans against my face and I gaze up at him as he adjusts his legs from on top of me. My eyes scan his features and he looks down at his legs before gazing back up at me, our eyes being caught by the other.

Romance"Flicking through a little book of sex tips Remember when the boys were all electric?"