Hey guys so I've been really loving that you guys keep sending me sweet feedback like honestly it makes me so happy, I stand by my work & writing is my lifelong passion & hearing you guys enjoy it warms my heart. I just have some questions to see what I can do to make reading my story better, so please give me feedback (don't be afraid to be honest) I want to improve and I want to make this as enjoyable as possible.
PSA: this will prob be deleted after I update next which will more than likely be within the next couple of days cause I've been getting writers block & it sucks
Please answer as many questions as possible & feel free to even make your own comments or suggestions:
What do you guys think about the length of each chapter? Too short? Ok? Too long?
Do you guys think that this book is dragging on for too long? Should I wrap stuff up better? Should I include less?
How do you guys feel about the characters? Do some of them(maybe even all) seem 2 dimensional? Should I include more info? Less info?
What do you guys expect from the ending of this book?A 2nd book? A happy ending? A burning painful ending that'll make you emo? No ending, cause this books sucks?

Romance"Flicking through a little book of sex tips Remember when the boys were all electric?"