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My feet are tired, my eyes are heavy but I must keep going. To survive in this world you must keep going. I walked along the cement pathed road although large cracks and potholes were covering the streets. The buildings I once knew as homes for my neighbours and friends were in ruins. I grew up here, all my favourite childhood memories were made in these streets. The time me and my friends played ding dong ditch when we were early teens, the day Alex and Nick got into a punch up over where to have lunch, my first love. I shook my head, pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind where I wanted them to stay. That was a lot easier said than done. Those memories were like my life support, whenever I wanted to stop going, to end it all, I would think back to the precious moments. Life is short. Cherish the little things.

I walk into the dark building, only lit by the sun rays creeping in from the holes in the rooftop. I tried my best to cover them with sheets but they always blew off or tore. This was my home before patient zero and right now it's the only place I can camp out in. I know that I'll have to leave soon otherwise, the walkers will get to me but I just can't push myself too go. The sun goes down and I start my usual routine, placing wooden boards in front of all the entrance points, removing any light sources, getting rid of anything that would make noise then sleep. This is how it's been for about a year now and I was fine with that.

The next morning I awake to the sound of a vehicle driving past. I quickly grab my bags and crossbow and break down the wooden planks, running outside to see what was going on. A truck was driving down the street, it had two people in the front and another two sitting in the Cargo tray. I hid behind a building and watched them go down the road. It's not that I was scared of them it was just that I hadn't seen another person since Nick had passed. Caution stopped me from proceeding with curiosity. That's how Alex got infected, he was curious about the girl who lived next door to him, not knowing that she was halfway through turning.

I watched as their car sped down the road until it made a sharp turn, I presumed that it's going to the city. That's where most of the people who are alive around here are. The city, were they make groups and gangs, often returning to the savage ways of our ancestors. The smell of exhaust filled the air, not gonna lie but I missed that smell, it was good to smell something other than dirt and rotting flesh. I tried to clear out as many corpses as I could but there would always be a smell that they left behind and it lingered for weeks on end. Sighing, I step back into my "home" and sit down, "if desperate times called for desperate measures then I would leave," I end up mumbling to myself.

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