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I sit on my bed, thinking about what Ant has said to me. He went to go have a shower so that left me in this quiet room, accompanied by my thoughts. Is it true, could Clay possible like me? That can't be, he's straight... right? So am I! I think. Actually, I don't entirely know, lately, I've been questioning myself a lot. I was so sure that I was straight but now, because of Clay, I'm not sure of myself. I don't want to admit to myself that I'm attracted to him, I don't want to hurt myself. These thoughts make me quiver, I have to find a way to distract myself.

I walk up the stairs to the 6th floor, I decided to make some more arrows to try and keep those thoughts out of my head for now. It worked whenever I was beginning to miss all my friends so I hope it would work now when I need it to. I open the door and see Clay sitting at the counter, sorting through some bullet shells so he could reload his ammo. I was about to leave when I heard his voice, "Oh, Hey George!"
"Um, hi Clay, I was gonna make some more arrows but you're here so I guess I should get going," I say hastily. "No, stay. You can make them here, there's some more room on the bench here." He tapped the seat next to him and I slowly walked in and closed the door behind me.

I dropped my items on the counter and took out a few tools from my bag. I began shaping the wood and sharpening the metal. A lot of store-bought arrows use plastic but I find them too light, they don't have the punch I want. Clay watched as I began making arrows, I often carve a pattern on my arrows, so that I can recognise that they are mine. "Your really talented George," my face begins to burn up slightly, "t-thanks." Clay smiled but then it abruptly disappeared, "Did Ant tell you about Elizabeth?" I frown and nod, "Right,"
"Clay, I'm sorry for her, for you."
"No it's fine, really..." his voice breaks. "I know how you feel Clay. My friends turned into walkers and-," I begin to tear up. "I had too, I didn't want too..." he turns to me and places a hand on my back, he has a reassuring smile on his face. I look up at him, we both begin to blush. He wipes a tear from my face and leans closer to me, I close my eyes. He presses his lips up against mine. He feels so warm and comforting, I don't want this too end, he pulls away after 5 seconds and looks into my eyes. "George, I'm sorry..."
"Don't be Clay, I wanted this..." I move close to him and he kisses me, cupping my face in my hands.

"So are there two couples now?" Me and Clay look over at the door to see Caroline standing in the doorway. She smirks, "I'll just fix my shotgun later,"
"Two couples?" I look at Clay and he chuckles, "If you want to, then there will be two," I nod, "Yeah, I know. But who's the other?"
"Zak and Darryl of course," Caroline says as she turns around, "They're probably making out in their room right now," she says chuckling. Clay turns to me, "So about that couple thing?"

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