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I'm finally able to take off my hoodie as the warmth of the sun shines down on me. "I'll try and find a creek or something to wash my clothes in. My clothes will dry faster due to this warm weather," I think to myself. "There should be one nearby if I remember correctly." We used to follow the train tracks when we were teenagers, never with any intention of finding something. It wasn't until Nick brought along his girlfriend and her best friend when they showed us the small creek. They said they used to go skinny dipping with their ex's.

A bit of moss had settled on the top of the water and the trees hung low. It wasn't the cleanest water but as I said, you couldn't be picky in today's world. I removed my clothing first and washed as much dirt and mud as I could off of them then I, of course, I wash myself off. I kept a small bar of soap in my bag for whenever I found a good enough place to bathe.

I stood up, out of the water and walked to where my clothing was, it was dry by now so I put them back on. I turn back to the lake and notice a deer drinking from it. It was a young fawn, which was nice to see. All of a sudden it looked up and ran off, I noticed that it looked behind me, instead of at me. I turned around to see a girl crouched behind a tree, she had long, poofy, white hair. It looked as if it was the fleece of a sheep. She was oddly dressed for the apocalypse, a red jacket, white shirt and black tights. As soon as she saw me she ran off, back in the direction of the train tracks. My curiosity got the better of me and I followed her and called after her. "Hey! Don't run!" I chased after her and almost tripped over multiple times.

I made it to the edge of the trees to see her stop on the other side of the tracks, next to two other people. One was a boy with glasses, darkish brown hair a black and red hoodie and black pants. The second was another boys with tan skin, black hair, a light cyan hoodie and jeans. You could see that she was panicked and after she said something to them they turned to me. They raised their guns towards me. They were holding Ruger 10/22 Magnums. I didn't know much about it, I only recognised it due to the fact Tommy's dad used it when Walkers began to overrun our neighbourhood. I raised my hand and began to shout, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" The boys looked at each other then the tan one gestured towards me with his weapon and I slowly walked towards them, my arms still raised in the air. I stopped about 2 meters away from them, "drop the bags," spoke the tan boy with a stern voice. I dropped them then once again raised my hands in the air, watching him go through the bags. "What's your name kid?" The boy with the red and black hoodie asked, "I- Um... George,"
"How old are you George?"
"24..." the boy nodded. I noticed that the girl was standing quite a distance back. After they finished going through my bags and patting me down, the tan one told me to follow them. They led me to a small blue van, parked just outside a nearby train station.

I hoped in and stayed quiet as the rest also climbed into the vehicle. The two boys sat in the front and kept mumbling to each other whilst me and the girl sat in the back. For most of the ride we stayed quiet until she finally spoke, "So, George, what are you doing just wondering around?"
"I don't know really. Just seeing where I end up taking myself," the girl nodded. "That's how they found me. Jut a girl walking around, nowhere to go," she smiled then moved her hand towards me, "I'm Caroline," I grabbed her hand and shook it, "I'm George." She chuckled, "The boss is gonna like you."

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