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The figure left me and my bags outside a room on the fifth floor. The door was old and beaten yet it still managed to defend the room on the inside from the elements and provide the occupant with privacy. It had the number 7 etched into the wood, led was then drawn on top of it. I knocked on the door and waited, it opened to show a boy, a little younger than myself. He wore a brown vest, presumably made from the hide of a sheep or goat, a beige long sleeve shirt and brown pants. He raised an eyebrow at me, "Hello? Who are you?"
"I'm George. Clay told me I would be staying here,"
"Really?" I nodded and handed him a note. Clay told me to hand it to him. He read over it then nodded, "Alright George, I guess we are roommates. I'm Ant." He held out his hand and I shook it, "You can have that bed there, the one next to the window." I walk over and drop my bags on the bed, it's been I while since I've had a bed to sleep on. The most I've had in ages were pillows and blankets, on the ground. Ant sat on his bed and leaned against the wall, "It'll be good to have a roommate, gets lonely sometimes," he began to chuckle, "Especially when you can hear talking and arguing from down the hall." I smiled, it would be good to make some new friends. I was, of course, hesitant. I didn't want what happened to Nick and all the others to happen to these guys. "So George, where you with anyone? Or were you a lone wanderer like a few of us here,"
"I was by myself... for almost a year." Ant leaned forward and rest his head in his hands, "Geez, that must have been hard." It was, "Not really, you get used to it eventually,"
"Really? I had been alone for a couple of months and went crazy, to the point when Clay found me he thought I might have been turning," he chuckled. "Well, if you need anything, just ask me." He got up and went to the door, I looked towards him and looked back, "Don't worry, I'm just gonna talk to Clay about you meeting everyone else." He closed the door behind him and I continued unpacking my stuff. "Can't wait..." I mumble.

About 15 minutes later Ant comes back to the room, "I'll give you a tour, alright?" I nod and proceeded to follow him out of the room. We walked down the hall and he showed me all the rooms and told me who lived in each, I didn't meet them of course. At the end of the hall was a tiny room with just a toilet and sink. We went up to the fourth floor once again and showed me around, "You've been here already I presume. Just so you know, it's our meeting room. Clay and Dave spend most of their time up here. Although they don't seem to be here now..." Ant stood in the middle of the room and looked around, "Dave?" I asked quietly. Ant turned back to me, "Yeah, Clay is the leader and Dave is second in command. You'll recognise them easily because they both wear a mask. Actually, Dave was the one who brought you down to my room," I simply nodded in response. He took me up to the fifth floor where the kitchen, dining, living and bathrooms were. Zak was sitting at the table talking to Darryl and another girl who were both in the kitchen. She had blonde hair, glasses, a black sweater and jeans. Someone was sitting on the couch throwing a ball at the wall and another person in the male bathroom. "Guys and girls have separate bathrooms equipped with showers, sinks, everything a normal bathroom should have."
"You have running water... and electricity?" Ant nodded, "Dave had a generator and Phil knows a thing or two about plumbing." I raise an eyebrow at him, "Pffft, you'll meet all of them later at lunch." I simply nod and follow him to the next floor.

"How come you guys skip the first two floors?" I ask as we walk up the stairs, "That's just in case walkers get in. We'll have time to realise that they've broken in to get our weapons." He stopped outside the door to the sixth floor, "Speaking of weapons," he opened the door to reveal a large room that looked like the inside of a safe. It was filled with different types of melee and projectile weapons. "Wow... that is a lot,"
"I know right! You can keep your fancy crossbow up here!" He took a large hunting knife off the wall and handed it to me. "I noticed that the knife you have now is old and rusted, have this one. All of us always have a knife on hand just to keep us safe,"
"Thanks," I smile. Already, I feel like I belong. I just hope everyone else is like this.

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