..Chapter 1 - Little Lies..

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Walking out of the hospital, August let the sun fall on his face for the first time in weeks. He had been in the hospital alone after being shot. No one came to visit him, not even his worthless brothers. Logan had always said that family was everything, yet August had been forced to go through it all alone. If that was what they wanted, that's what they would get. He gingerly touched the healing wound on his side before he turned and ran. He ran as fast as his feet would carry him. He had some money, and he still had some skills. He would learn to survive on his own.

That was easier said than done. Getting a legitimate job was harder than he expected but he managed. He had a crappy apartment near a park and a stable enough job. It was freeing not to be told every day what he had to do. Instead of starting his day running drills to keep himself safe, he ran, just to enjoy the smell of the air and the smog in the morning. The adrenaline pumped through his veins, giving him clarity over the world. He could hear his own heart beating in his ears. It was comforting just knowing he was alive. That was normally enough for him, but things changed.

Sitting on a bench with a golden retriever, just off the path August normally took, was the most handsome man he had ever seen. He held himself with a power that August wasn't unaccustomed to, but there was also a slyness in his eyes. What secrets did this man hold in the palm of his hands? He could care less about the dog, but animals were always an opener. He jogged closer to his mystery man. "Hey, can I pet your dog?"

The man looked at August confused but nodded, letting him step over and pet the dog. "So, what brings you here? I don't think I've seen you around the park before."

"Oh, well, I was just taking Sugar for a walk." The man spoke with a slight drawl and August could see mild scarring hidden behind his hat. He wanted to touch the scars, to run his fingers over the jagged lines that made this man so unique, but that wasn't socially appropriate, "I'm new in town."

August nodded, trying to avoid staring at the man.

"Was there something on my face?" And he could hear the sly smile. He apparently was used to people staring and August couldn't help but smirk as well. His heart danced in his chest like flower petals caught in an autumn gust.

"No, I just couldn't believe how fucking handsome you were." His eyes met the other man's, two different colors looking up at him surprised, highlighted by a dusting of red on his cheeks.

"This isn't my dog."


He laughed, a little awkwardly as he dusted off his caplet and stood up. "This isn't my dog, I'm walking it for my friend Patton, I just wanted you to know the truth so that when I asked you out to coffee you wouldn't be surprised when there wasn't a dog with me. I'm actually taking care of her while my friend is away." The blush crept further and August was mesmerized by how this man was able to smirk and blush at the same time. "So, coffee, will you?"

He couldn't help but smile, looking this man up and down as he stood. "Yes."

"You can call me Jay, what's your name?"

For a moment, just a brief moment August faltered. Honesty was important in a relationship, but he knew he had a chance. In this instance he could be free of his past, he could be someone he had always wanted to be. He could be someone new. He wouldn't have to think about his past mistakes; he wouldn't have to be held back by everything that everyone had told him was wrong with him. August wouldn't have to be connected to his family any longer. To this man, this wonderfully handsome and perfect man, he could be...

"Remus." He held out his hand, happily shaking Jay's.

Their date was set for later in the week. After seeing Jay's apparel, Remus felt a bit more comfortable dressing how he normally would. He wanted to be himself, but a better version. For the first time in a long time, he had a bit of hope that he could be what he wanted to be. Remus threw on a dark green shirt that had puffy sleeves and a black vest before pulling on his slacks and shoes. This was still a bit tame but he would test it out, see how it worked. He was really interested in this guy.

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