..Chapter 13 - Heading Home..

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Roman ran through the complex, a place that used to be his home. He knew its twists and turns easily. Memories had been formed in these halls, and he was about to give it all up for his twin. Taking in a shaky breath, he knew this was the right choice. Remus had always been there for him, he was going to do the same for his brother. It didn't matter how much he fought or argued, they would always have each other.

Throwing the door open, he was surprised to see his brother curled on the ground, tightly wrapped in a ball as he hid from the world. "Remus!" He shouted, running over to make sure that he wasn't hurt. Sure, his brother was resilient, but he had learned from a young age to not underestimate Logan's abilities.

"Roman?" His voice was weak as he looked up at Roman, immediately throwing his arms around him.

"Oh thank the stars you are okay, let's get you out of here."

"How did you get in?" The two slowly worked Remus up to his feet, his fingers clinging to his brother's shirt.

"Logan gave me the key. We need to get out of here before he changes his mind."

"No, something isn't right about that. He wouldn't give up so easily." Remus took a step forward but he looked exhausted, barely able to stay upright on his feet. "We need to block his office. I won't fall for his traps. I won't give him the chance to escape and chase us."

"Are you sure? Why don't we just leave while we can?"

"No, I'm not going to let him interfere again. I will be seeing my husband." The growl that came out of his mouth was primal, a sound that Roman was all too familiar with.

"Alright, alright, but we have to hurry."

The two ran back down the corridor, slowing once they knew their footsteps would be heard. Neither were particularly good at stealth, but they could at least do this. Remus reached out for the door handle, going to quickly shut the door but noticing that Logan wasn't even in the room. "Shit." He muttered, closing the door anyway. "He's probably waiting for us in the garage."

"That, or he thinks I would take my special car, the one that I have set aside just for me."

Remus bit at his lip, but Roman wasn't going to give him the chance to form a plan. He grabbed his brother's hand and began dragging him to the garage. They would take one of Remy's cars. Logan knew how much Roman hated driving those cars and would never suspect that that's the one they would be driving.

"Roman, wait."

"No, I didn't help you back then, I'm getting you out now." He said, shoving Remus towards the passenger seat once they had gotten to the car.

"The faster we are out of here the better."

Remus didn't have time to argue, he was shoved into the passenger seat and then the car was roaring to life. God, he hoped this worked. He just wanted to see his husband again, wanted to hold Janus in his arms.

"We are going to need to change cars." He muttered, settling into the seat as his brother sped off.

"I know," Roman muttered, fingers gripping the wheel more tightly. There was a lot they were going to have to do, including dumping the car and maybe walking the rest of the way to a hotel. He realized his phone had probably been traced, so who's to say a car couldn't be as well. "But you look exhausted. Rest for now."

He got a hum of disapproval from Remus, but Roman could already tell that his brother was beginning to fall asleep. Despite being thankful his brother felt safe enough to rest, it did mean he would be left alone with his thoughts.

Something Logan had said was still ringing in the back of his head, maybe it was the defeated way he had told Roman to leave, or maybe it was the way that Logan seemed so adamant that he was doing the right thing. Roman had believed they had been doing the right thing on all of the missions he had gone on. He had always relied on Logan's ability to be cold and logical to know what the right course of action was, but that cold logical thought process was the exact reason that Roman knew he was wrong this time.

Remus deserved to be happy, even if it wasn't here with them.

Logan used to know that. Logan used to be the one who was willing to do anything for their happiness.

Roman's hands tightened on the wheel.

"You killed them!" Roman shouted, looking at the two bodies on the floor.

"They were hurting Remus, they wouldn't listen." Logan's voice shook almost as bad as his hands. His breath was coming out strained and Roman could already see the tears pouring down his face. "They were hurting Remus, I didn't have a choice. They said that family means everything, but you treat your family right. They weren't treating Remus right."

Slowly, Logan, who was only 18 at the time, walked over to the bodies, pulling a keyring off of one of their waistbands. "G-go find Remus." He said, tossing the key at Roman. "Make sure he is okay."

"What are you going to do?"

"Clean up this situation."

Logan had taken care of everything. He had cleaned everything up and Remus never had to know. Remus didn't have to know why Logan suddenly took over, didn't have to know why the rose bushes bloomed darker that year. Logan started to give Remus more freedom, allowed him to explore who he was as a person. Was it really any surprise that once he figured it out, he wanted to leave?

Their eldest brother had sacrificed a lot for them, but

Roman drove for hours until he felt they were fairly safe, waking his brother up gently. "Hey, get up, we have to start walking."

Remus groaned but slowly sat up, "Do you have a place in mind?" He asked with a yawn.

"Yeah, back a few miles, and the rain has finally cleared."

"Cool, okay." He got out of the car, leaving the car on the side of the road.

"Hopefully the hotel will have a phone."

"The amount you love your husband is sickening."

"Shut up." Remus punched his brother's arms as they tried to make light of the situation and head towards the hotel.

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