..Chapter 14 - Tangibly Together..

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After the two of them got themselves into their room, Remus flopped onto the bed, closing his eyes and letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm exhausted," He muttered, "How cruel of you to make me walk so far." Despite his complaints, he turned over in the bed, reaching for the hotel phone. No amount of exhaustion was going to keep him from his husband.

Taking in a deep breath, he dialed Patton's phone number. It rang, and rang, and rang, before going to voicemail. He didn't like that at all. It prickled something in the back of his mind that he refused to acknowledge. Logan could be cruel, but he didn't know about Patton, did he? Remus shook his head, sometimes people just weren't near their phones. He had to be patient.

So he hung up and called again.

Once again, the phone rang and rang. Just as Remus was about to toss the phone at the wall, it was picked up. "Hello, this is Patton." There was a quiet trepidation in Patton's voice, which meant he had been screening calls. That's good, he was being safe.

"Patton," He let out a sigh, "It's Remus, long story, but I'm safe now, is Jan-Jan there?"

"Remus, oh thank goodness you are okay, what happened?"

"Remus? Give me the phone." There was a bit of shuffling before Janus was on the phone once again.

"You absolute dumbass, what happened? Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" Janus winced as he shifted.

"The phone died. No, I didn't get hurt, but did you?" He asked, pulling the phone closer to his face as if that could bring him closer to Janus.

"I'll be fine."

"You're a liar."

"That wasn't a lie, I will be fine."

Remus pouted, "I want to know what happened, but seeing you is more important. I'm at a hotel, we escaped and dumped the car and phone."

"Escaped?! What happened? Where are you?"

He filled Janus in on what happened, wiggling his toes a bit. He was rather nonchalant about the fact that they had been kidnapped and yet escaped fairly easily with his brother's help. He could tell that Janus was just barely holding back his tirade of concern.

"And we are at this small hotel just off the interstate." He began to give the address, hearing a sharp inhale. Maybe they were close.

"What room are you in?"

"Room 68, they wouldn't give us 69, do you know how rude that is?"

"Remus stay on the phone, I swear if you disconnect this time I will push you down the next set of stairs I find."

He chuckled, "I don't think landlines can die." He heard Janus' breathing, it was rough and heavy, like he was running, or speed walking at least. Where was he, was he trying to get back to the car?

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud rapping on their door. "Remus, that's me, let me in, please, but don't hang up the phone."

He hesitated, looking at Roman before he bolted to the door, leaving the phone hanging off its holder. There was only the slightest hesitation as his hand hovered over the door handle. He was terrified it was a trick but it was worth the risk. He threw the door open, looking at the man in front of him, both of their eyes shining with tears.

They threw themselves into each other's arms, Janus dropping the phone out of his surprise. "You're here, you're really here." He muttered, holding his husband closely. "I'm never going to let go of you again. You dumb ass, this is why we don't keep secrets."

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