..Chapter 5 - Breaking Boundaries..

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It was a simple text, just one word, but it had made things infinitely more complicated. Patton would be lying if he said he didn't expect this kind of reaction, but he really was hoping that it would be this easy. Instead, he was now stuck between two friends.

He wanted to respect Virgil's privacy, and pushing him wasn't respecting him, but Janus was a mess. He wouldn't admit it, but Patton could see the slight tremble in his friend's hands, the muteness of his voice. Patton wanted to help, but he didn't want to push Virgil.

A sigh left his lips as Patton tapped his phone to his forehead. The physical trail would be gone. They had been following dead-end clues to find these men since before Patton left the agency. Virgil was his only lead. Virgil, who didn't want to help, or talk to Janus. Patton needed an answer. He needed to think of a way to track down Remus.

As Patton's thoughts began to spiral, he felt a cold nose touch his hand, and he looked down at his dog. A soft smile ran over his face before he crouched down to Sugar, burying his face in the soft fur. "You are so sweet, baby, you always know just when I need cuddles." He continued to pet the dog, allowing his thoughts to subside, slightly. Patton brushed out knots with his fingers, closing his eyes until he felt the calm radiate through him once again.

It was okay to feel his emotions, it was okay to be worried for his friends. He was allowed to have this. He didn't have to remain objective.

Looking at his phone, Patton typed back. 'I'm sorry to hear that, but I respect you and your boundaries. Thank you for considering it.'

He then put his phone in his pocket and stood up, Sugar trotting alongside him as Patton returned to the living room where Janus was sitting, staring at the wall where the bullet hole had been made.

"He said no. He doesn't want to talk to a stranger."

"I expected as much. You had to jump through so many hoops to get him away from that life safely. I'm sure that he doesn't want to be dragged back into it." Janus muttered, hiding his face in his hands. He had helped Patton get Virgil into a new life. Even if they had never actually had contact with Virgil before, he understood not wanting to dig up past baggage.

Janus had put his gloves back on but was picking at the fingers as if he was picking at nails. It was an old bad habit, both of them knew it.

"Alright, let's go." Patton clapped his hands together.


"Well, you know the rules, when you have nothing else to go off of, you hit the pavement looking. So, let's go out and start looking."

"W...we don't even know what direction to go in."

"True, but it won't hurt us to keep looking, and if we sit around doing nothing then nothing will get done."

Patton watched as Janus' lips went tight. He was fighting for a response before his shoulders went slack. "Fine, let's go."

Maybe it was just a ploy to get Janus out of his head but both of them needed to do something, and if that meant legging it the hard way, he would.

The two of them got into the car and began driving. Patton had put his phone on the dashboard in its holder and Janus felt an itch in the back of his head. He could take the phone. He could call Virgil. Both he and Patton were cautious people, but they also trusted each other with their lives. Janus knew the password to his phone.

It had only been an itch in the back of his mind, but before he realized it the phone was in his hand and Janus was calling the last person that Patton had texted.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Patton asked, swerving the car, but Janus didn't flinch. His eyes were focused on a point in the horizon that couldn't actually be seen. He held his gloved hand up to his friend, stopping him from trying anything.

The phone was picked up.

Not a word was said on either side for a few moments, then Janus spoke up.

"I'm using Patton's phone, don't hang up, just hear me out. Five years ago Patton helped you escape a life you didn't want to be a part of anymore, because that is who Patton is, and that's what he does. In order to do that he offered me a favor in exchange for my services because that's what I do. You got out, you got the chance to be someone new. Something precious was just taken from me, and I am cashing in on the favor Patton owes me, but he needs your help."

There was silence on the line for a while and Janus wondered if he was pleading with a brick wall. The hand that held Patton at bay was slowly being lowered. His heart hammered with the hope that he tried to suppress. Hope that was already fading.

"You are an asshole aren't you?" The voice on the other line finally asked, and Janus could hear the frustrated edge. "Fine, come to the flower shop, but this is not because you won me over. This is for Patton, pure and simple, got that?" The man hissed.

Janus nodded before realizing he couldn't be seen, adjusting himself. "Yes, of course. Completely understood." It didn't matter if it was for the Queen of England, as long as Janus got his husband back.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth the line went dead and Janus handed the phone back over to Patton. "Apologies Padre. I had to try something, and it worked at least a little bit." Janus looked up at Patton with a sheepish smile. "He agreed to talk, but we have to head to the flower shop."

Patton had a look of disappointment on his face as he took the phone back, but he gently patted Janus on the head. "Don't make me regret trusting you with my password." He put the phone back in its holder before turning around to head to the flower store. It was out of the way, but this was much better than searching around blindly. 

AN: Sorry I didn't post last week. I was feeling pretty under the weather. I'm doing a little bit better now. Hope you all are taking care of yourselves. 

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