..Chapter 10 - Remus's Reinitiation..

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Everything in the world felt heavy, and Remus wasn't sure how he was going to force himself awake. The bed was so comfortable and his sleep couldn't have been restful if he was feeling this much like shit. He must have gotten really drunk because he hadn't woken up this rough since the last time he got...

The last time he was...

Remus sat up suddenly, the whole world swimming as he looked around at where he was, his old room. He hadn't been here since before the hospital, before Janus, it had felt like a lifetime ago. It kind of was.

Somehow, Sleep had found them before Janus and Patton had. Remus groaned, rubbing his head. Waking up drugged wasn't as much fun as it had been when he was younger, it made him feel heavy and old.

"I'm awake now!" He shouted, "Get your nerdy ass in here and tell me what you want!" He was hiding his fear behind his fury, walking to the door to open it. As expected, it was locked. Logan had taken precautions and Remus was not happy about it. He didn't do well in cages, he didn't like being locked up, but he had experience in this. He could remain calm, he just needed to think about his escape route. Unfortunately, this time, Logan wasn't the one coming to save him, he was the one holding Remus hostage, and that was probably the most terrifying situation he had been in.

It wasn't long before the door actually did open, Logan slipping inside.

"I'm glad you are awake, how are you feeling?"

"Like you care, you had me drugged!"

"And if I did not you would have hurt yourself. You had already shown yourself as incapable of resisting an escape attempt."

"Of course I was going to try to escape, you..." He wasn't going to give Logan more information than he needed. He couldn't let Logan know what he knew. "You killed my husband."

"A mild infatuation." Logan waved it away.

"No Logan, it wasn't. Just because you could give away your soulmate doesn't mean that I can."

"Do you think it was easy? What I did? Do you think it doesn't weigh heavy on my heart each day? Do you think I let go of Virgil because it was the easiest thing to do? What I did to Virgil was the hardest thing I ever did in my life." His voice raised with each word, yet he stood still, almost completely stoic if it were not for the clenching of his fists.

Remus knew how in love with Virgil Logan had been, and it made a thought cross his mind. If Logan hadn't killed Janus, maybe he hadn't actually killed Virgil. Maybe Virgil was still alive, and wasn't that a whole different set of emotions to process. Virgil, his best friend, might still be alive somewhere. Was he also stuck in a gilded cage like this?

"I did all of this for us, for our family." Logan almost growled, but his eyes were misted. His shoulders loosened as did his hands at his side. He reached towards Remus. "Please, please understand. You and Roman are all I have."

Remus flinched back, taking a step towards the bed. "You should have thought about that before you got rid of Virgil." He crossed his arms, turning away.

He knew he was pushing Logan, hitting the buttons that would make him break. It was the only option he could think of for the moment. Maybe if he could break Logan down they could have a conversation on an even playing field. He wasn't sure how Logan would break, but it was the only plan he had. If Logan began to grovel, he could use that to his advantage, but his brother could be a terrifying man when need be. Remus was afraid that Logan might break in the other direction.

For now though it seemed he maintained his calm demeanor. He let out a sigh, but nothing more, as he turned towards the exit to the room. "I'll have someone bring you breakfast, you'll stay in your room until you understand where I'm coming from. I don't want to see you hurt."

"Then why did you put me in harm's way? Why did you allow me to get so close to danger?"

"Because it brought you joy, and that is what our family does."

"But when it comes to me getting out, when it comes to me finding happiness on my own you can't let me go?"


Remus huffed, his shoulders tightening. "I will never stop trying to escape you," He said, voice quiet but firm.

"Then, it will be a long stay in your room. I'm sorry."

As Logan walked out, the door closing with far more gentleness than this situation deserved, Remus slid to the floor. Air was suddenly hard to pull into his lungs as all of the stress came crashing back to him. He couldn't spend his life in a cage, and what if Logan took drastic actions and actually hunted down Janus again. Their eldest brother had taken the brunt of their parents' training, hardened and sharpened by their words. He knew Logan would never hurt him, but the eldest was also used to getting his way.

What if Logan never let him out of this room again? He hiccuped as he clawed at his neck, trying to get a handle on his breathing.

How much was Janus panicking after he hadn't been there where they promised? Would his husband ever be okay? Would he survive the turmoil? Would he survive Logan?

Remus put his hands over his mouth, trying to hide how hard he was falling apart. He wasn't sure if there were cameras in the room watching him break down. He wasn't sure it mattered either way. He didn't want to show weakness, but if Logan was watching, if he felt guilty seeing his brother breakdown in fear...

Let Him.

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