chapter one

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     THE GIRL WOKE UP by a loud sound of materials falling down on the ground. Blinking a few times, she adjusted her eyes to see light peeking through the room made of wood. "Sorry!" The girl heard a male's voice apologize and she took a few seconds before realizing he was apologizing to her. "Shit. I woke you up, they're going to kill me! Can you like pretend you're passed out? What if I give you one of the pills Clint gave you?"

     "What?" She asked confused as the boy kept on talking as if he had no stopping point.

      The boy walked over to her, "Hi! I'm Ander." He stuck his hand out waiting for the girl to shake his hand.

      "Rosie." The girl shook his hand pulling away focusing on the leg that seemed to had swollen down and her leg less tense. Rosie took a few seconds until she realized, "wait! That's my name! I know my name!" She exclaimed turning to Ander who grinned from happiness hoping she'd be a good change in the Glade.

      "Damn, it took me almost a week to remember my name." Ander responded not knowing what to do now since he had woken up the girl, "do you want to go outside?"

      Rosie nodded, "I need to figure out what the hell is going on first and how long I've been here."

      Ander fiddled with his fingers, "Almost a day, I think? They delivered you yesterday but you knocked out quickly after and have been sleeping since. Want me to help?" Ander asked motioning at the leg elevated.

     "Please?" She asked starting to feel comfortable with the boy who was getting her leg off of the pillow on the rope.

     "Here," Ander spoke handing her the shoes that came with her in the box, "there's some clothing for you and some female stuff too over there." He motioned to a little open cabinet that had a few things useful to her. "It's one of Jeff's old shirts before he grew out of it—it's clean—a pair of pants and undergarments that came in the box ."

     Rosie sat up placing her feet on the ground hoping she wouldn't fall back down like she did yesterday. "Here goes nothing." She mumbled standing up and feeling a bit of pain on her leg but nothing she couldn't handle. She walked to the cabinet looking through it hoping she'd find something that could help her remember anything. But everything in the box was basic materials for her needs.

The sound of yelling started to get louder and Ander peeked his head out of the building, "Oh shit." Ander cursed running out causing Rosie to walk towards the open door to see a crowd of boys yelling at an entrance in between two big walls. She watched as the boys stopped yelling and made a clear pathway for two boys who had come out of the entrance.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 - 𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘌 𝘙𝘜𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now